ROMAN CULTURE Many Roman cultural ideas were borrowed from the Ancient Greeks. The Romans used Greek-style statues, public buildings, and homes. However, Romans introduced DOMES in their archiectecture. The Romans were credited with the creation of concrete (mixture of volcanic ash, lime, and water). The most famous Roman structure is the Colosseum.
ROMAN LITERATURE Roman writings were based off Greek works. Virgil wrote the Aneid based of Homer’s The Odyssey. Horace wrote satires and odes to poke fun at human weakness and express strong emotions about life. Rome’s first historian Livy recorded events that took place during the time of the Roman civilization.
ROMAN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Like many other things, Romans borrowed many medical ideas from the Greeks as well. Galen emphasized the importance of anatomy and dissected dead animals for scientific research. Ptolemy studied the sky and mapped over 1000 different stars in outer space. However, he incorrectly placed the Earth in the center of the universe.
ROMAN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Roman engineers built elaborate roads in Rome that connected city-states together (Roman Roads), and built an extensive water and sewage system. Ancient Rome had running water, bath houses, public restrooms and water fountains. Why was all of this such an amazing feat?
DAILY LIFE IN ROME By the time of Emperor Augustus, Rome had a population of over 1 million people. Paterfamilias acted as the “head of household.” Many Romans were well educated, and those who could afford sent their young men to school. Women in Roman society did not receive formal education.
DAILY LIFE IN ROME Women in Rome did have some rights, but were not granted full citizenship. The freedoms that women enjoyed depended on the wealth and standing of her husband. Wealthy women could own land, run a business, and sell property. Women with less money, spent their time at home taking care of the children.
ENSLAVED PEOPLE Slavery was a part of Roman life. As the Roman Empire grew, military prisoners from conquered lands were used as slaves. Some enslaved people were allowed to work in people’s homes or act as doctors or lawyers if they possessed the right qualifications. Everyone one else lived a miserable life and many slaves were forced to fight brutal death matches during gladiator games.
ENSLAVED PEOPLE The most famous of all Roman slaves was Spartacus. He led a slave revolt of 70,000 slaves in 73 B.C. that lasted for two years. When the revolt had ended, Spartacus and 6000 of his followers were put to death by crucifixion.
Roman Religion Ancient Romans worshipped many gods and goddesses. Many of the gods they worshipped were borrowed from Greek mythology. As the Roman empire grew, it came into contact with many other religions such as Judaism and Christianity.