WIPO EXPERIENCE AND THE CONSORTIUM WIPO EXPERIENCE AND THE CONSORTIUM Kathy Matsika University Librarian, National University of Science and Technology, EIFL Country Coordinator, Zimbabwe
PRESENTATION Librarians at WIPO : A Perfect fit or mismatch!! A Perfect Fit! Strategic Partnerships The Rich Experience!! Benefits for Consortia Way forward Conclusion : –Institutional/National benefits –EIFL in the Forefront
WIPO AND LIBRARIANS World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) an Agency of the United Nations, is made up of delegations of WIPO Member States and accredited representatives from IGOs and NGOs. It has key committees that deal with international treaties that impact Libraries and the use of copyrighted works. (eg SCCR) Library Organizations like EIFL and IFLA are in the NGO category
Librarians at WIPO: A mismatch or Perfect Fit! WIPO treaties set parameters for National Legislation. A bad treaty from WIPO has disastrous implications for National legislation and global IP debate. Thus Library Organizations participate at WIPO level to provide much needed interventions.
A Perfect Fit!! Librarians deal with copyright issues on a daily basis, preserve and provide access to copyrighted materials Input from Librarians at WIPO is crucial. They provide the missing link, advise politicians and Diplomats at WIPO on what is on the ground, in our consortia. We need International treaties that promote access to information, not restrict access. National Copyright Laws can be improved once international treaties get it right.
Strategic Partnerships The June 2010 SCCR meeting focused on Exceptions and Limitations for the Visually Impaired (TVI), for Libraries and Archives. It was impressive to see Library Organizations and other Civic organizations collaborate (e.g with World Blind Union) and support each other in lobbying various Government Delegations and Regional Blocks, by making timely interventions on Copyright Exceptions and Limitations.
The Rich Experience!! The EIFL Statement at WIPO- SCCR20 meeting was presented by the Malawi EIFL- IP Coordinator ( Kondwani)- it was perfect and to the point. IFLA also issued a Statement. Side Meetings with Govt Delegations and Regional Blocks (normally) to provide them with information (live stories) on issues being debated. My experience was that it works, they do listen and make reference to the stories that make an impact on them.
The Rich Experience (Contd) There is no substitute for live participation of Librarians at WIPO. Timely interventions can influence the outcomes. Librarians need to be there to assist in the panel beating process. A side meeting at tea time or during lunch contributes immensely in shaping ideas and opinions of delegates. Library Groups prepare papers, statements and come up with strategies to drive the library agenda
Benefits for Consortia Geneva is about intense lobbying and advocacy at its best. Great experience!Similar lobbying at Consortium level can only yield results!! Govt Delegations are made up of powerful professionals- lawyers, diplomats, Copyright and patent specialists both in Geneva and back home. Seeing Librarians at work in Geneva changes their views of Librarians role in national issues back home. Our consortium badly needed this kind of recognition. Librarians need to be partners in the formulation of National legislation and management of National IP issues.
Way Forward!! The SCCR 20 ended without conclusions. The Library Groups and Civil society groups at Geneva have their work cut for the next four months. They have to prepare for the next SCCR meeting. They need to lobby and work with the various Regional Groups such as the African Group, make a strong case for the Copyright Limitations and Exceptions. Libraries in the developing world look forward to a successful conclusion of this debate.
CONCLUSION CONCLUSION For an IP Coordinator, Geneva was great. It was like attending Finishing School Meeting the African Librarians at WIPO must have impacted on the African Group s view of of the role of Librarians in copyright matters. I GAINED CLOUT! both at Institutional & National level. I also gained RECOGNITION- Zimbabwe Govt Copyright Office and my Institution now acknowledge that I am a copyright expert. It can only be a positive development for the National Consortium.They have asked for contact details of all of our consortium memebrs.
EIFL-IP The African Group and other Regional Groups at WIPO acknowledged the great work and advice given by EIFL, IFLA and other NGOs during the SCCR20 meetings As work continues to seek an acceptable new international treaty to cover copyright limitations and exceptions for the visually impaired, libraries and archives, I can only wish EIFL, IFLA and their partners all the best in their advocacy work. Hopefully,SCCR21 will reach a consensus in November 2010.