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Presentation transcript:


2 Outline of Presentation Introduction to Open Access and Institutional Repositories Institutional Repositories Development DSpace development at Khazar University

3 Definition of Open Access In using the term 'open access, we mean the free availability of peer-reviewed literature on the public internet, permitting any user to Read, Download, Copy, Distribute, Print, Search, or L ink to the full texts of the articles

4 Driving Force Behind Open Access – Dissatisfaction at all Levels Authors: their work is not seen by all their peers – do not receive the recognition they desire Readers: cannot view all research literature they need – less effective Libraries: cannot satisfy information needs of their users

5 The Open Access Movement BOAI, February 2002 Berlin Declaration, October 2003, May 2004 & February 2005 Welcome Trust, October 2003 Scottish Declaration on Open Access, 2004 European University Association (EUA) unanimously adopted the recommendations of its Working Group on Open Access, 2008

6 Support of the Open Access by Countries UK Parliamentary Inquiry: Science and Technology Committee, 2004 –all UK higher education institutions establish institutional repositories U.S. Appropriations Committee, 2004 –Proposal to mandate all research funded by National Institute of Health be made available through PubMed Central (OA) 6 months after publication in peer-reviewed journal. Canada, 2003 – CARL, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, launched an Institutional Repository Project in – SSHRC introduced compulsory self-archiving, 2004 Australia, 2004 – Australian Research Information Infrastructure Committee (ARIIC) Open access Declaration, 2004

7 Support of the Open Access by Countries Italy – 31 Italian Universities and 1 research centre) gathered in Messina, Sicily, to sign the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in Sciences and Humanities, so called Messina Declaration, 2004 Germany – In October 2003 the (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft -DFG signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access in the Sciences and Humanities, an initiative that encourages the promotion of Open Access Sweden – The Swedish Research Council signed the Berlin Declaration in 2005 and supports the fundamental principle that publicly funded research shall be open to all.

8 Two Ways of the Open Access Budapest Open Access Initiative Recommends 2 Strategies: 1.Open Access Journals ("gold"): Publish your article in a suitable open-access journal whenever one exists. 2. Self-archiving in Open Electronic Archives ("green"): Otherwise, publish your article in a suitable toll-access journal and also self-archive it.

9 What is an Institutional Repository (IR)? A digital collection capturing and preserving the intellectual output of a single or multi-university community. Raym Crow. A university-based institutional repository is a set of services that a university offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members. Clifford Lynch. Essential infrastructure for scholarship in the digital age ARL, no. 226 (February2003): 1-7.

10 Institutional Repositories Contributions to Open Access Scholarly communication Supporting education through learning materials Electronic publishing Managing digital collections of research outputs on university networks Housing and preserving digital collections Enhancing universitys prestige by collecting and making easily accessible its research output

11 Benefits of Institutional Repositories to Various Stakeholders For the researcher: Increased visibility of research output and consequently the department and the institution Potentially increased impact of publications as an author at the institution Provides the possibility to standardize institutional records e.g. academic's CVs and published papers Allows the creation of personalized publications lists

12 Benefits of Institutional Repositories to Various Stakeholders For the institution: Increases visibility and prestige of an institution Repository content is readily searchable both locally and globally A repository that contains high quality content could be used as a 'shop window' or marketing tool to entice staff, students and funding A repository can store other types of content that is not necessarily published, sometimes known as 'grey literature'

13 Benefits of Institutional Repositories to Various Stakeholders For the global community: Assists research collaboration through facilitating free exchange of scholarly information (this is enabled through the use of metadata harvesters of OAI-compliant institutional repositories) Aids in the public understanding of research endeavours and activities.

14 The Power of Open Access – Institutional Repositories For 72% of papers published in the Astrophysical Journal free versions of the paper are available in repositories (mainly through ArXiv) These 72% of papers are, on average, cited twice as often as the remaining 28% that do not have free versions available in repositories. Data «Greg Schwarz»

15 Proportion of Repositories by the Former Soviet Union Countries

16 First Institutional Repository in Azerbaijan


18 Why have an IR at Khazar University? To help the international Open Access efforts. The mission of disseminating knowledge is only half complete if it is not widely and readily available to society. (Adapted from the Berlin Declaration ) < To create a permanent record of the scholarly output of Khazar University -No access to some scholarly works published by our own faculty - Collections of working papers, technical reports, research reports flowing around

19 Why Did We Choose DSpace? Background KU LIC started IR software evaluation in late December Some products were evaluated: Eprints, Fedora and DSpace. Decided to use DSpace in mid-June DSpace was Implemented in October,2008. Top Reasons to use DSpace Largest community of users and developers worldwide DSpace was developed. It has a well defined data model: Community + Collection + Item + Metadata + Bundle + Bitstream Well organized web-interface Metadata in Dublin core format

20 Where is DSpace available?

21 Where is DSpace available?

22 Khazar University Institutional Repository

23 Communities and Collections Academic Support Academic Policy, Rules and Procedure Assembly of Science and Art Conference Items Khazar University Catalog Research Publications Khazar University Press Books Learning Objects Publications and Preprints Library Information CenterLibrary Information Center Instructional Materials Presentations Periodicals Azerbaijan Archeology KhazarJournal of Humanities and Social Sciences Khazar Journal of Mathematics Khazar View Schools Architecture, Engineering and Applied Science Economics and Management Education Humanities and Social Sciences Medicine, Dentistry and Public Health Dunya School

24 Collection Type and Size Communities6 Collections23 Books 28 Conference papers26 Journal articles651 Presentations12 Thesis18

25 Browsing by Subject, Issue Data and Author

26 Relation between IR and eCatalog

27 Self-archiving Self-archiving serves two main purposes: Allows authors to disseminate their research articles for free over the internet Helps to ensure the preservation of those articles in a rapidly evolving electronic environment.

28 To self-archive is to deposit a digital document in a publicly accessible website Depositing involves a simple web interface where the depositer copy/pastes in the metadata (date, author-name, title, journal- name, etc.) and then attaches the full-text document Self-archiving takes only about 10 minutes DSpace also allows for documents to be selfarchived in bulk, rather than just one by one Many funding bodies mandate self-archiving Self-archiving

29 Self-archiving Author writes manuscript Submission to journal pre-print self-archiving Peer review Author revisions Submission of final version Article is published post-print Published version

30 Self-archiving - DSpace Register to: Choose a collection you want to submit to, e.g. Academic Support Send us an and ask for registration rights.

31 Ranking Web of World Repositories January, 2011 First in Azerbaijan according to this ranking the Khazar University Institutional Repository is the only repository repository in the Caucasus and Central Asia. KUIR moved up to 892 on the list of more than 1,100 repositories evaluated.

32 Challenges Library continue to: Provide support for university research self-archiving Promote IR Educate users and faculty about the IR Showcase the IR Find champions and partners among faculty Seek institutional mandate and support Harvest documents

33 Thank you for your attention!