Advocacy for the first African Open access the University of Pretoria Elsabé Olivier EIFL-OA online workshop 30 May 2011
What is advocacy? Advocacy is a planned, deliberate, sustained effort to raise awareness of an issue. Its an ongoing process in which support and understanding are built incrementally over an extended period of time and using a wide variety of marketing and public relations tools. Canadian Association of Public Libraries
Common issues regarding advocacy Advocacy and marketing are closely linked together Planning and writing advocacy plans is the easy part It is more difficult to put those plans into action Advocacy requires time, commitment, and cooperation of other librarians and the community (Helieisar 2008)
Pre-adoption of the mandate UPSpace was implemented in 2006 The collection of research papers is called openUP Open Scholarship Office formalized in 2007 openUP follows a mediated approach of submission Advocacy is difficult with an empty repository Mandate was drafted in 2009 Road show to all the faculties & approved by Senate
We build the road by walking it
First Open Access mandate policy Staff & students are required to – submit the peer-reviewed post-prints of their articles and published conference papers to UPSpace, the Universitys institutional repository – Give the university permission to Make the content freely available Take necessary steps to preserve the files in perpetuity
Current openUP status
Advocacy roll-out UP Management Library Services Dept Research & Innovation Research coordinators & departments Individual researchers
Management advocacy : mandate acceptance
Library advocacy : submission training
Advocacy partner : Department of Research & Innovation Linking of articles to annual Research report
Departmental advocacy : presentations
Departmental advocacy - linking of articles to UP web site
Departmental advocacy : Recruit submitters UPSpace is the ideal platform to provide access to the latest research emerging from the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) at the University of Pretoria. Research published in peer- reviewed journals is now legally accessible globally, allowing other scientists to build on research topics addressed. James Mehl. PhD student Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)
Departmental advocacy : Identify champions Support from Prof Brenda Wingfield, deputy dean of the Faculty of Natural & Agricultural Sciences: In order to facilitate as many of our publications being available on UPSpace as possible I have been having additional discussions with Elsabe Olivier who has been driving this initiative on campus. One of my objectives has been to make this process as painless and time effective as possible AND to increase our international visibility.
Departmental advocacy : Target researchers I think that it is very good news that the University of Pretoria is taking a lead in making more freely accessible the published work of its scholars. It has always bothered me that research that is largely paid for by public funds is made accessible to the wide body of the research public only through expensive journal subscriptions. We need to move more rapidly toward open publishing, and the Open Scholarship Programme of the Library is an important first step to change our views on the way in which our research is disseminated. This programme makes it possible for us to know about the research work produced by our colleagues at the University of Pretoria, and it should be encouraged to grow. Prof. Nithaya Chetty Department of Physics
Individual advocacy : Campus News reminders
Individual advocacy : campaign
Individual support : Submission guide
Individual support : Scholarship web
Individual support : Open Access journal list Accredited Open Access Journal List
Individual support : openUP postbox
Open Access day advocacy : Posters, bookmarks & buttons
Open Access day advocacy : T-shirts, speaker, competition & partners
Open Access day advocacy : Competition
Student advocacy : Sparky video contest 2011
Student advocacy : Student wall
Conclusion Librarians can play a leading role in developing an Open Access culture at their academic institutions Advocacy is an ongoing process Involves time, commitment and cooperation from stakeholders
References Canadian Library Association AdvocacyResources/LibraryAdvocacyNow/default.htm AdvocacyResources/LibraryAdvocacyNow/default.htm Ghosh, M 2011 Advocacy for open access : a selected review of the literature and resource list. Library Hi Tech News, no. 2, pp Helieisar, A. (2008), Library advocacy in Micronesia, paper presented at 74TH IFLA General Conference and Council, World Library and Information Congress, August, Que´bec, available at:
Thank you! Questions? Elsabé Olivier The presentation is licensed with Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License