Student Engagement Using the T4S Model
Objective PWBAT increase student engagement throughout the lesson by using research- based techniques and activities. PWBAT will be able to increase student engagement through modeling activities with peers.
What Student Engagement Does NOT Look Like In The Classroom? (brainstorm ideas)
What Does Student Engagement Look Like in the Classroom? (brainstorm ideas)
Definition of Student Engagement Student Engagement is defined as the continuous involvement of the student in the academic learning by being active participants. This requires teachers to insist on their involvement.
QUOTE “Too often students are relegated to a passive role, listening and observing to glean the main lesson points while the teacher strives to help them comprehend by using visual aides and a listener-friendly delivery.” Kinsella, 1997, page 51
Teacher can direct students to be involved by engaging them in the following activities Respond orally through conversing, sharing or chorally as a whole group. Producing something on paper, whiteboards, graphic organizers drawing or writing a summary. Signaling through a common gesture, displaying whiteboards or response cards. Demonstrating a response by movement. Mentally processing information and sharing through a choral or written response or conversing with another student.
Check For Understanding Pick a partner and complete worksheet on student engagement. Be prepared to share what you learned.
Response Choose one or two engagement techniques discussed in this presentation. Using your lesson plan book, write the technique(s) and how you plan to use it(them) throughout the week. Plan to share at our next meeting how this worked for you.
Day 2-Pair Share Activity Get with a partner and share what technique you chose and how it worked in the classroom. Share with the group
What Research Says….Newman (1989) “engagement is the student’s psychological investment in learning comprehending, and mastering knowledge skills” …….therefore, all teachers must: - Plan in advance the student engagement strategies to engage all students in all activities (how to ask questions so all students will respond). - Implement the plan to engage all students during the lesson.
Second Attribute of Student Engagement Directs all of the students to participate in the learning at the same time. *When using T4S Program we are looking for 85 percent or more of the students to be engaged at the same time and throughout the academic learning.
Attributes of Student Engagement Direct students to be engaged in the academic learning. Covert – Something you cannot observe (Ex: Read the passage, Think about the answer) Overt – Something you can observe. (Ex: On your whiteboards write the answer, read chorally the passage, in your journal write down the steps.) All participation by all students at the same time. Mandatory throughout the lesson. Based on T4S looking for 85% participation throughout the lesson.
Examples of NOT Directing all Students to Participate at the Same Time The teacher has students raise their hands if they know the answer. The teacher has one student come to the board to create a picture of the learning. The teacher has one student repeat the answer. Students sit and wait for the teacher to take attendance. The student allows students to shout out answers to problem 5. As the teacher is lecturing, students sit and look at the teacher.
Examples of Directing ALL Students to Participate at the Same Time The teacher directs all students to write the answer to the question in one minute. The teacher directs all students to create a picture of the learning in two minutes. The teacher directs all students to chorally respond to repeat an answer. The teacher directs all students to solve the problem that is written on the board as she takes attendance. The teacher directs all student to think of an answer to problem 5. After five seconds of wait time, the teacher says now turn to your neighbor and share answers. As teacher is lecturing, she tells the students to write it down in their notes.
Third Attribute of Student Engagement Makes student engagement mandatory by ensuring that all of the students are engaged throughout the academic learning.
Mandatory means that you need to follow through to be sure that every student has completed the task.
Response Pair Share- Talk about the advantages and disadvantages to planning for total student engagement. T4S protocol format for walk-throughs.