Agenda New Teacher Induction Standards Aligned System- SAS SAS Scavenger Hunt Questions Reflection
Using the Standards Aligned System
What is SAS? Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System Teacher resource to provide schools and districts common instructional framework Identifies six elements of student achievement
Element #1- Standards What students should know and be able to accomplish Increase in complexity as students progress through grades SAS contains Standards, Eligible Content and Assessment Anchors in this section The common Core standards are also located in this category
Element #2- Assessment Aligned to Standards Used to inform teaching Used before, during, and after instruction Four types: Summative, formative, benchmark and diagnostic SAS contains an assessment creator tool
Element #3- Curriculum Framework Specifies what should be taught for each subject in the curriculum Focuses on Big Ideas, competencies, concepts and essential questions
Element #4- Instruction Teaching topics aligned with standards Ensures the right level of challenge Teaching based on individual learning needs Instructional strategies to increase student achievement
Element #5- Materials and Resources Catalog of resources Unit and lesson plans Multi-media resources All tied to the state standards!
Element #6- Safe and Supportive Schools Standards based supports for varying student needs supplies resources and exemplars to promote active student engagement in a safe and positive learning environment Three main areas: Engagement, safety and environment
Teacher Tools Section My Profile- Manage account settings My Website- Build your own professional classroom website My Communities- Build your own professional learning community My ePortfolio- Upload documents, videos and presentations to your profile
How Can SAS Help You? Standards, anchors and resources all in one place Assessment building aides for creation of standards based assessments Units, lesson plans, assessment and web resources all tied to standards and anchor Instructional strategy videos for many subject areas and grade levels At your finger tips intervention strategies to meet all student needs Teacher tools to help you collect and share resources It’s all free!!!!!
Now Time to Try It…. Go to Create an account (if you do not already have one). Explore each element tab. For each tab, pick a your grade level under the grade level pull down. Choose your subject area of interest. Complete the SAS Scavanger Hunt .