Engaged Learning February 2013 Facilitated by: Angie Grove & Tonya Kepner
Perks of attending today… ACT 48 hours if you combine today’s hour with two more focus group hours this year.
Possible increase in H.E.A.T. scores NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. $25 Gift Card Drawing!!!
Agenda for today : Facts about engaged learning Non-examples and examples of engaged learning Creating an engaged learning environment
We will practice what we preach: Make use of quiet signals & group responses Incorporate some strategies Many strategies and routines need practiced or modeled before they are as effective. Created a seating arrangement that allows for interaction
Jingles for Group Responses, Quiet Signals or Transitions… Rice-a-Roni The San Francisco Treat Like a Good Neighbor State Farm is There The Best Part of Waking Up Is Folgers in Your Cup Gimme a Break, Gimme a Break Break Me Off a Piece of That Kit Kat Bar I Don’t Want to Grow Up I’m a Toys ‘R Us Kid We Will, We Will Rock You! I Am Stuck on Bandaid Brand Cuz’ Bandaid’s Stuck on Me Five, Five Dollar - - -Five Dollar Footlong Nationwide Is On Your Side Subway Eat Fresh Everybody Give Me Five Everybody Give Me Five Red Robin Yum! Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire! Are You Ready Kids? Aye, aye captain Or… iPads and/or cell phones have great ring tones & sound effects.
Think-Pair-Share…. What would a classroom look like if students were actively engaged?
Thumbs up, thumbs down… Are these students actively engaged?
Thumbs up, thumbs down… Are these students actively engaged?
Thumbs up, thumbs down… Are these students actively engaged?
Thumbs up, thumbs down… Are these students actively engaged?
Many possible seating arrangements that encourage engaged learning opportunities…
Chunk & Chew… Now write a list of three things you’d see in an actively engaged classroom.
Engaged Learning vs. On-Task Behavior Engaged Learning Everyone is doing something to respond to instruction Teacher gets immediate feedback about student understanding Example: white boards On-Task Behavior Everyone is doing what they should be doing Teacher has to wait to get feedback Example: worksheet
Non-Examples of Engaged Learning: One student at the board/Smartboard while other students are watching Popcorn reading “Round Robin” reading Posing a question to the class & calling on one student Presenting content through any form of media without checking for understanding throughout
Engaged Learning Examples: Work as a table to sort the engaged learning strategies into the provided categories.
Engaged Learning Examples: TransitionsIndividual ResponsesCollaborative Responses
Red Light Summary… Red – List one thing you want to change Yellow – List one thing you will think about or want more information about Green – List one thing you want to try
Facts about engaged learning: Students are not attentive to what is being said in lecture ______ % of the time. When children are highly _________, sharing their reading and writing frequently, they are likely to be active, interested learners. High levels of active engagement during lessons are associated with higher levels of achievement and student _____________.
More facts: In order for active student engagement to occur, teachers need to develop effective _______________________________. T ell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I __________________.
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