New Trends in Teacher Evaluation Charlotte Danielson
Purposes of Teacher Evaluation has been… 1.Quality Assurance- only purpose recognized by legislators and policy makers. - The quality of individual teachers does matter. 2.Professional Development Previous evaluation systems have largely failed to achieve either goal.
Danielson States… An effective system of teacher evaluation accomplishes two things: it ensures quality teaching it promotes professional learning. The quality of teaching is the single most important determinant of student learning.
A Well Designed Evaluation System Differentiated System Multiyear Cycles Active Teacher Roles
Differentiated Systems Different activities, procedures and timelines are used for different groups of teachers. New teachers typically receive more support, more supervision, and more intense evaluation.
Typical pattern in a differentiated system: - An annual formal plan for new teachers. - Formal evaluation of permanent teachers every 2-4 years. - During non-formal evaluation years permanent teachers engage in self-directed professional growth activities (alone or with a colleague) which are usually quite different then new teachers. Criteria for evaluation are usually quite different with new vs. permanent contract teachers.
Multi year Cycles Permanent contract teachers have a formal evaluation every 2-4 years. When not being formally evaluated, teachers engage in professional development activities of their own choosing.
Active Teacher Roles Permanent contract teachers are considered professionally competent. They can use the evaluation activities to enhance their practice by: - working with colleagues - action research - furthering knowledge of curriculum areas use of portfolios, visiting classrooms, working with mentors, and professional conversations/reflections Goal is improved learning opportunities for all students.
Questions for thought… Are they (Differentiated Systems, Multi-year Cycles, and Active Teacher Roles) present in the AVRSB? Are they understood and being employed? What has the most impact? What isn't working?
In AVRSB… We recognize that students must be served – proper diligence. Teachers are evaluated yearly (required as stated in the Education Act). Nova Scotia uses the term “Performance Appraisal” rather than Teacher Evaluation. Performance Appraisals are cited in the Education Act under “Function and Duties” of Principals and Superintendents.
Performance Appraisals- Summative Can be Summative or Formative Summative - Lets the teacher know how “they did” - employment decision - retain or release - completed prior to the end of probationary period
Performance Appraisals - Formative Formative - informs instruction, “sheds light” and ensures the goals are being achieved - Permanent teacher - developmental and collaborative in nature - annual basis
Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching In the book pictured here, used by the AVRSB, Charlotte Danielson outlines measures relating to quality teaching organized into four domains, each with several components.
The Framework for Professional Practice The framework for teaching divides the complex work of teaching into four major domains: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities; each is further divided into five or six smaller components. The framework for teaching includes four levels of performance: Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, and Distinguished. Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Domain 1 Planning and Preparation Teacher’s plans reflect little understanding of the content, the students, and available resources. Instructional outcomes are either lacking or inappropriate; assessment methodologies are inadequate. Teacher’s plans reflect moderate understanding of the content, the students, and available resources. Some instructional outcomes are suitable to the students as a group, and the approaches to assessment are partially aligned to the goals. Teacher’s plans reflect solid understanding of the content, the students, and available resources. Instructional outcomes represent important learning suitable to most students. Most elements of the instructional design, including the assessments, are aligned to the goals. Teacher’s plans, based on extensive content knowledge and understanding of students, are designed to engage students in significant learning. All aspects of the teacher’s plans – instructional outcomes, learning activities, materials, resources, and assessments – are in complete alignment and are adapted as needed for individual students. Domain 2 The Classroom Environment Classroom environment is characterized by chaos and conflict, with low expectations for learning, no clear standards of student conduct, poor use of physical space, and negative interactions between individuals. Classroom environment functions somewhat effectively, with modest expectations for student learning and conduct, and classroom routines and use of space that partially support student learning. Students and the teacher rarely treat one another with disrespect. Classroom environment functions smoothly, with little or no loss of instructional time. Expectations for student learning are high, and interactions among individuals are respectful. Standards for student conduct are clear, and the physical environment supports learning. Students themselves make a substantive contribution to the smooth functioning of the classroom, with highly positive personal interactions high expectations and student pride in work, seamless routines, clear standards of conduct, and a physical environment conducive to high-level learning.
Domain 3 Instruction Instruction is characterized by poor communication, low-level questions, little student engagement or participation in discussion, little or no use of assessment in learning, and rigid adherence to an instructional plan despite evidence that it should be revised or modified. Only some students are engaged in learning because of only partially clear communication, uneven use of discussion strategies, and only some suitable instructional activities and materials. The teacher displays some use of assessment in instruction and is moderately flexible in adjusting the instructional plan and in response to students’ interests and their success in learning. All students are engaged in learning as a result of clear communication and successful use of questioning and discussion techniques. Activities and assignments are of high quality, and teacher and students make productive use of assessment. The teacher demonstrates flexibility in contributing to the success of the lesson and of each student. All students are highly engaged in learning and make material contributions to the success of the class through their participation in discussions, active involvement in learning activities, and use of assessment information in their learning. The teacher persists in the search for approaches to meet the needs of every student. Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities The teacher demonstrates low ethical standards and levels of professionalism, with poor record-keeping systems and skills in reflection, little or no communication with families or colleagues, and avoidance of school and district responsibilities and participation in activities for professional growth. The teacher demonstrates moderate ethical standards and levels of professionalism, with rudimentary record-keeping systems and skills in reflection, modest communication with families or colleagues, and compliance with expectations regarding participation in school and district projects and activities for professional growth. The teacher demonstrates high ethical standards and a genuine sense of professionalism by engaging in accurate reflection on instruction, maintaining accurate records, communicating frequently with families, actively participating in school and district events, and engaging in activities for professional development. The teacher’s ethical standards and sense of professionalism are highly developed, showing perceptive use of reflection, effective systems for record keeping and communication with families, leadership roles in both school and district projects, and extensive professional development activities. Where appropriate, students contribute to the systems for record keeping and family communication.
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Component 4a: Reflecting on Teaching Element Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Accuracy Teacher does not know whether a lesson was effective or achieved its instructional outcomes, or teacher profoundly misjudges the success of a lesson. Teacher has a generally accurate impression of a lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which instructional outcomes were met. Teacher makes an accurate assessment of a lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its instructional outcomes and can cite general references to support the judgment. Teacher makes a thoughtful and accurate assessment of a lesson’s effectiveness and the extent to which it achieved its instructional outcomes, citing many specific examples from the lesson and weighing the relative strengths of each. Use in future teaching Teacher has no suggestions for how a lesson could be improved another time the lesson is taught. Teacher makes general suggestions about how a lesson could be improved another time the lesson is taught. Teacher makes a few specific suggestions of what could be tried another time the lesson is taught. Drawing no an extensive repertoire of skills, teacher offers specific alternative actions, complete with the probable success of different courses of action.
Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Component 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records Element Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Student completion of assignments Teacher’s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments is in disarray. Teacher’s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments is rudimentary and only partially effective. Teacher’s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments is fully effective. Teacher’s system for maintaining information on student completion of assignments is fully effective. Students participate in maintaining the records. Student progress in learning Teacher has no system for maintaining information on student progress in learning, or the system is in disarray. Teacher’s system for maintaining information on student progress in learning is rudimentary and only partially effective, Teacher’s system for maintaining information on student progress in learning is fully effective. Teacher’s system for maintaining information on student progress in learning is fully effective. Students contribute information and participate in interpreting the records. Noninstructional records Teacher’s records for noninstructional activities are in disarray, resulting in errors and confusion. Teacher’s records for noninstructional activities are adequate, but they require frequent monitoring to avoid errors. Teacher’s system for maintaining information on noninstructional activities is fully effective. Teacher’s system for maintaining information on noninstructional activities is highly effective, and students contribute to its maintenance.
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Component 4c: Communicating with Families Element Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Information about the instructional program Teacher provides little or no information about the instructional program to families. Teacher participates in the school’s activities for family communication but offers little additional information. Teacher provides frequent information to families, as appropriate, about the instructional program. Teacher provides frequent information to families, as appropriate, about the instructional program. Students participate in preparing materials for their families. Information about individual students Teacher provides minimal information to families about individual students, or the communication is inappropriate to the cultures of the families. Teacher does not respond, or responds insensitively, to family concerns about students. Teacher adheres to the school’s required procedures for communicating with families. Responses to family concerns are minimal or may reflect occasional insensitivity to cultural norms. Teacher communicates with families about students’ progress on a regular basis, respecting cultural norms, and is available as needed to respond to family concerns. Teacher provides information to families frequently on student progress, with students contributing to the design of the system. Response to family concerns is handled with great professional and cultural sensitivity. Engagement of families in the instructional program Teacher makes no attempt to engage families in the instructional program, or such efforts are inappropriate. Teacher makes modest and partially successful attempts to engage families in the instructional program. Teacher’s efforts to engage families in the instructional program are frequent and successful. Teacher’s efforts to engage families in the instructional program are frequent and successful. Students contribute ideas for projects that could be enhanced by family participation.
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Component 4d: Participating in a Professional Community Element Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Relationships with colleagues Teacher’s relationships with colleagues are negative or self-serving. Teacher maintains cordial relationships with colleagues to fulfill duties that the school or district requires. Relationships with colleagues are characterized by mutual support and cooperation. Relationships with colleagues are characterized by mutual support and cooperation. Teacher takes initiative in assuming leadership among the faculty. Involvement in a culture of professional inquiry Teacher avoids participation in a culture of inquiry, resisting opportunities to become involved. Teacher becomes involved in the school’s culture of inquiry when invited to do so. Teacher actively participates in a culture of professional inquiry. Teacher takes a leadership role in promoting a culture of professional inquiry. Service to the school Teacher avoids becoming involved in school events. Teacher participates in school events when specifically asked. Teacher volunteers to participate in school events, making a substantial contribution. Teacher volunteers to participate in school events, making a substantial contribution, and assumes a leadership role in at least one aspect of school life. Participation in school and district projects Teacher avoids becoming involved in school and district projects. Teacher participates in school and district projects when specifically asked. Teacher volunteers to participate in school and district projects, making a substantial contribution. Teacher volunteers to participate in school and district projects, making a substantial contribution, and assumes a leadership role in a major school or district project.
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Component 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally Element Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Enhancement of content knowledge and pedagogical skill Teacher engages in no professional development activities to enhance knowledge or skill. Teacher participates in professional activities to a limited extend when they are convenient. Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development to enhance content knowledge and pedagogical skill. Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development and makes a systematic effort to conduct action research. Receptivity to feedback from colleagues Teacher resists feedback on teaching performance from either supervisors or more experienced colleagues. Teacher accepts, with some reluctance, feedback on teaching performance from both supervisors and professional colleagues. Teacher welcomes feedback from colleagues when made by supervisors or when opportunities arise through professional collaboration. Teacher seeks out feedback on teaching from both supervisors and colleagues. Service to the profession Teacher makes no effort to share knowledge with others or to assume professional responsibilities. Teacher finds limited ways to contribute to the profession. Teacher participates actively in assisting other educators. Teacher initiates important activities to contribute to the profession.
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Component 4f: Showing Professionalism Element Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished Integrity and ethical conduct Teacher displays dishonesty in interactions with colleagues, students, and the public. Teacher is honest in interactions with colleagues, students, and the public. Teacher displays high standards of honest, integrity, and confidentiality in interactions with colleagues, students, and the public. Teacher can be counted on to hold the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and confidentiality and takes a leadership role with colleagues. Service to students Teacher is not alert to students’ needs. Teacher’s attempts to serve students are inconsistent. Teacher is active in serving students. Teacher is highly proactive in serving students, seeking out resources when needed. Advocacy Teacher contributes to school practices that result in some students being ill served by the school. Teacher does not knowingly contribute to some students being ill served by the school. Teacher works to ensure that all students receive a fair opportunity to succeed. Teacher makes a concerted effort to challenge negative attitudes or practices to ensure that all students, particularly those traditionally underserved, are honored in the school. Decision making Teacher makes decisions and recommendations based on self-serving interests. Teacher’s decisions and recommendations are based on limited though genuinely professional considerations. Teacher maintains an open mind and participates in team or departmental decision making. Teacher takes a leadership role in team or departmental decision making and helps ensure that such decisions are based on the highest professional standards.
Teachers are expected to… Have discussions about what excellent teaching looks like. Not close their doors and work in isolation Have conversations which ground their teaching Seek support from others (mentors, colleagues, administrators) to achieve their professional development goals.
Questions for Discussion: 1. Has the teacher evaluation/performance appraisal lost its purpose and significance? If so, Why? 2. Do you see the process as benefiting your teaching practice- improving student learning? 3. What has the AVRSB done right in terms of performance appraisals? 4. What does the AVRSB need to do differently in terms of performance appraisals?
Danielson’s Latest book…2009