Evergreen ILS Update, September 2011 Dan Scott Systems Librarian Laurentian University
Barriers to Evergreen adoption Hardware: o two servers recommended o offline mode for staff, but not for catalogue Software skills: o Linux system administration o PostgreSQL o Apache o ejabberd Installation & configuration is not "turn key" Community currently concentrated in North America o IRC support may be limited in your timezone o Internationalization is hit or miss Javascript-heavy catalogue*
Evergreen growth: community Volunteer "do-ocracy" teams including:teams o Documentation o Reports o Web site o Developers o Bug wranglers o Release Mailing lists (General and Developers)Mailing lists IRC channel
Evergreen growth: quality Increased use of community bug databasecommunity bug database o For merge requests as well as bugs o Any non-trivial code changes are supposed to go through a merge request / review process Weekly developer meetings via IRC o One meeting to discuss issues and processes o One meeting to review merge requests Automated test suite for build / compile / unit testing errorsAutomated test suite o More unit tests needed!
Evergreen growth: governance Joined the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) American non-profit organizationSoftware Freedom Conservancy SFC, as a legal entity, can hold project assets such as trademarks, copyright, domain names, and funds o Transparent, neutral third party Evergreen Oversight Board represents the projectEvergreen Oversight Board o Board was "bootstrapped" in 2011 but will hold elections in 2012
Evergreen features: 2.1 release release should be available any day now Improved since 2.0: o Serials with predictions and check-in o Acquisitions with EDI support New since 2.0: o Bibliographic parts o Conjoined items o Hold-driven recalls o Automated staff client updates o Authority control sets o SRU/Z39.50 server support for authority records o... and much more
Evergreen features: 2.2 release 2.2 beta targeted for late November 2011 TPAC: low-bandwidth, full-featured catalogue o Easy customization o On-the-fly lists OpenLibrary integration for cover art, added content, e- books (includes lending) Revamped configuration interface, courtesy of Google Summer of Code student Joseph Lewis: o Categorized configuration settings o Settings history; import; export o Searchable interface Staff client: saved searches
Evergreen adoption recommendations Have a test server - and use it o Learn how to administer Evergreen - safely o Test your migration strategy o Test and document new features on new releases o Train staff on new features on new releases Speak up! o Share your troubles and triumphs on the mailing lists, IRC, and bug reporting database Stay current! o Point releases contain important bug fixes o Major releases can change how internal processes work significantly, making it hard for the community to help users on previous releases
Evergreen: Join us! Contribute to the documentation, test releases, contribute fixes, and share your knowledge with others Evergreen wants you: