Solar Photovoltaic
What is Sunlight?
How do Solar Cells Work? Light (solar radiation) arrived on the earth in the form of energetic photons.
Photons are powerful enough to knock electrons around
The Photoelectric Effect Observed and Described 1839… by Becquerel, Hertz, and Thomson. Explained by Einstein 1905
What are Solar Cells Made Of?
Solar Cell Structure: a. Encapsulate b. Contact Grid c. The Antireflective Coating (AR Coating) d. N-Type Silicon e. P-Type Silicon f. Back Contact
Two Essential Layers A = n-type silicon (has free electrons) B = p-type silicon (has free electron holes)
Sunlight knocks electrons from B to A. The electrons have to travel the circuit to get back to layer B.
Practical Stuff Solar Cells produce direct current (like regular batteries) A typical single crystal silicon PV cell of 100 cm 2 will produce about 1.5 watts of power at 0.5 volts DC and 3 amps under full summer sunlight (1000Wm-2). Solar Cells are about % efficient Power in Watts = Volts x Amperes
Connecting cells in series increases voltage (additive) and keeps amperage constant
Connecting cells in parallel increases amperage (additive) and keeps voltage constant
Need to configure panels to desired voltage and amperage
You need a regulator, storage battery, DC AC converter
How much does it cost? “To give you an idea of how much a house system would cost, let's consider the Solar House -- a model residential home in Raleigh, North Carolina, with a PV system set up by the North Carolina Solar Center to demonstrate the technology. It's a fairly small home, and it is estimated that its 3.6-kW PV system covers about half of the total electricity needs (this system doesn't use batteries -- it's connected to the grid). Even so, at $9 per Watt, this installed system would cost you around $32,000. “
Vidoes solar-energy.html?scp=3&sq=solar&st=cse 5:56 Obama’s Energy Campaign Speech 13:19 speaks-at-department-of-energy.html Obama 8 min