Comic Book Comic Strip Types of Comics Cartoon
Uses for Comics
© Randy Glasbergen
Comic strips created with Comic Boom software
A Center for Disease Control publication targeted for youth:
A publication from the Duke Center for the Study of the Public Domain
Ostrom, R. (2004). Active Learning Strategies for Using Cartoons and Internet Research Assignments in Social Studies Courses. Guide analysis of sample cartoons to establish expectations Select editorial cartoons to assign for analysis Assign students to groups to analyze cartoons –Issue –Symbols –Exaggeration and Distortion –Stereotypes –Caricature –Humor and Irony –Background Knowledge –Argument Presentations to class on their analysis; debate positions Source: The Mindsparks Editorial Cartoon Checklist
Source: Cartoon News Magazine Daily Cartoon
Sample Lesson Plan As students analyze the editorial cartoon, they will Understand the context in which the cartoon was drawn Discover the basic elements of the cartoon Find and interpret the icons that appear in the cartoon Identify the cartoonist’s message Develop skill in seeing and understanding persuasive techniques used by cartoonists Identify qualities of cartooning such as sensory, formal, expressive, technical, and judgmental Source: The Dirksen Congressional Center Editorial Cartoon Collection
Creating a message requires –Critical thinking –Planning –Concise writing –Creativity = student engagement Student engagement = excitement!
Find a tour of Comic Boom at Comic Boom
Comic Book Creator 2
Inexpensive Software – free! Comic Boom (PC) - $20 Comic Life (Mac) - $28 (Amazon) Comic Book Creator 2 - $30 (AsSeenonTV)
Which approach are you most likely to try out? A. Purchase cartoons (memory prompt) B. Create comic strips for important concepts (make content more inviting) C. Create a comic book for important concepts (make content more inviting) D. Students analyze editorial cartoons (support learning activities) E. Students create comic strips or comic books (student-generated content)
Sources Science Cartoons Plus (S. Harris) - ~ $12 each Today’s Cartoon (Randy Glasbergen) - ~ $20 each Comic Book Creator 2 from re-sellers (no longer available from Planetwide Games Software) –Amazon re-sellers - $ –AsSeenonTV pages/comic_book_creator.html ($29.95) pages/comic_book_creator.html Active Learning Strategies for Using Cartoons and Internet Research Assignments in Social Studies Courses, by Richard Ostrom (2004) Tales from the Public Domain: Bound by Law (comic book) New York Times News Service Photos & Graphics The Dirksen Center’s Editorial Cartoon Collection Comic Boom tour Makebeliefscomix
Joan Van Duzer Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching Humboldt State University Questions?