Knowledge without boundaries
Outcome evaluation of PLIP projects: what, why and how? Ugne Lipeikaite PLIP Impact Manager
What is outcome evaluation? changesOutcomes are changes in attitude, behavior, skills, knowledge or situation of target audience brought be a project resultLibrary outcome - the eventual result of using library services, the influence the use had, and its significance to the user proveOutcome evaluation - if a program says it will change the lives of a certain population group, how does it prove it actually did?
Project Vehicle to get to the destination Outcomes Intended destinations Monitoring Whether we are on the right road Outcome evaluation Whether we have arrived at out destination
Why doing this? informsimproves confirmsEvaluation is the gathering of meaningful data that that informs, improves, or confirms. It is a tool for : Management decisions Accountability for your resources Library advocacy
What to measure? Inputs - something that is put in to achieve result e.g. number of staff, computers Inputs - something that is put in to achieve result e.g. number of staff, computers Activities – number of tasks which must be completed to achieve result e.g. training, events, services installed Activities – number of tasks which must be completed to achieve result e.g. training, events, services installed Outputs - immediate countable result of a activities e.g. number of sessions organized, number of people trained Outputs - immediate countable result of a activities e.g. number of sessions organized, number of people trained Outcomes – benefits and or changes resulting from performance of the activity e.g. increased income, improved employment prospects Outcomes – benefits and or changes resulting from performance of the activity e.g. increased income, improved employment prospects OUTCOME MAP
Example - Macedonia Inputs 13 laptops, printer, 43 books on of job search Inputs 13 laptops, printer, 43 books on of job search Activities – basic computer skills and interactive trainingsHow to find a job Activities – basic computer skills and interactive trainingsHow to find a job Outputs – 82 unemployed people trained Outcomes – Out of 82 trained people 39 (47,56%) have successfull y found jobs
How to measure? PredefinedoutcomesPredefined outcomes – what PLIP is aiming to achieve together with you? Individualized indicatorsIndividualized indicators - what will tell you that change is occurring/has occurred, and capture trends over time? Agreed data collection planAgreed data collection plan and tools
Sources of data Library statistics Surveys Interviews and focus groups Analysis of documents (reports, minutes of meetings, policy documents…) Case studies (groups and/or individuals)
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