Ensuring Exemplary Instruction for the Students Behind the Data Linking Informal Observation to Performance Measures
Objectives Participants will –Establish a collaborative learning community of leaders working together to support achievement of Goals 1 and 2 within HCPSS. –Develop a data collection tool that can be used during an informal observation and that relates to an identified performance measure.
Topics for Table Workgroups Academic Rigor –Elementary School –Middle School –High School Full Implementation of New Middle School Reading Essential Curriculum Differentiation of Instruction Full Implementation of the Integrated Approach to Student Achievement
Topics for Table Workgroups Effective Integration of Reading into Content Instruction Effectively Using Technology to Enhance Instruction Active Learning and Student Engagement Culturally Responsive and Responsible Instruction
Logistics Put a dot by the topic that is of interest to you. Take a 15 minute break. When you return from the break, sit at a table labeled with your topic of interest.
HCPSS Mission and Goals The mission of the Howard County Public School System is to ensure excellence in teaching and learning so that each student will participate responsibly in a diverse and changing world. –Goal 1: Each child, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, or socioeconomic status, will meet the rigorous performance standards that have been established. –Goal 2: Each school will provide a safe and nurturing school environment that values our diversity and commonality.
Putting the Pieces Together Systemwide (Cross Functional) Strategies –Leadership Development –Continuous Improvement –Communication –Cultural Proficiency Division of Instruction Strategies –Exemplary Instruction –College and Career Readiness
Leadership Development Leadership Standards –School-based Administrators –Central Office Leaders Professional Development –Coaching –Purposeful Observation –Leadership I and II Evaluation Processes –Goal Setting with Performance Measures –Mid Year Conference –EOY Conference and Final Evaluation Leadership Standards Professional Development Evaluation Processes
HCPSS Standards School-based administrators… –promote the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school climate and instructional program conducive to student learning and professional development. Central office administrators… –promote the success of all students and staff by creating and sustaining a culture of professional growth and high expectations that supports the school system’s strategic plan.
MSDE Instructional Leadership Framework Instructional leaders improve instructional practices through the purposeful observation and evaluation of teachers.
Linking Our Work to Performance Measures Thinking Through an Example from the Past
Begin with the End in Mind Goal 1: Each child, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, disability or socio-economic status, will meet the rigorous performance standards that have been established. BTE Objective: A minimum of 95% of the students in all student groups pass the ______ High School Assessment on first administration.
Key Question What strategies, if well implemented, will enable us to achieve the outcomes we seek?
Leadership Goal Goal: To facilitate enhanced student achievement by ensuring effective implementation of the HCPSS essential curriculum. –Performance Indicator/Measure of Success: By the end of SY , 100% of the teachers at Exemplary High School will effectively implement the HCPSS Essential Curriculum for _____________. –Performance Indicator/Measure of Success: By the end of SY , 95% of students in all student groups will pass the _________ HSA on first administration.
How Will I Know? Lesson Plans Formal and Informal Lesson Observations Student Work Quizzes/Local Assessments Student Projects/Assignments Entrance and Exit Tickets Anecdotal Records Comments from Parents, Teachers, Students
How Will I Know? Comments from School Administrators s to Conference Requests for Resources
Refining Informal Observations Using Purposeful Observation to Gather Evidence for a Performance Measure
Questions to Consider –What are the student learning behaviors I expect to see ? –What are the teacher behaviors I expect to see? –When will I observe? For how long? –How will I track progress over time?
Informal Lesson Observations Students discussed an objective from the Essential Curriculum. Students used language found in the Essential Curriculum, as well as other subject specific language. Student Learning Behaviors Students connected what they did in class to the world around them. Students were actively engaged in appropriate instructional activities.
Informal Lesson Observations The teacher’s lesson plans included objectives from the Essential Curriculum. The teacher communicated valid objectives to students at the beginning of the class. Teacher Behaviors The teacher engaged students in instructional activities highlighted in the eGuide. The teacher differentiated instruction based on student interests, readiness, or student learning profile.
Think Cause and Effect What is the connection between teacher behaviors and student learning behaviors?
Are We Making Progress?
What Are My Next Steps?
Now It’s Your Turn Working with colleagues at your table –What are the student learning behaviors you expect to see ? –What are the teacher behaviors you expect to see? –When will you observe? For how long? –How will you track progress over time?
Systemic Expectations Know your students who receive FARMs. Know what interventions and supports are in place to ensure their success. Have a process for continuously monitoring their progress. Develop a relationship with families.
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Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline. ~Jim Collins
Focus and Perseverance You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage…to say “no” to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger “yes” burning inside. -Stephen R. Covey
When we really focus on something, we make progress. The Bottom Line: