WHAT IS FLIPPING And what it's not
IN THE FLIPPED MODEL 1 Shift from the large group learning space to individual learning space Use of technologies Available online and before class Student-centered, active-learning strategies Check for understanding, provide individualized support
FLIPPED LEARNING REQUIRES Flexibility Shift in Learning Culture Intentional Content Professional Educators- YOU!
FLIPPING IS RESEARCH- BASED Active Learning defined as "process of having students engage in some activity that forces them to reflect upon ideas and how they are using these ideas". 2 Active learning is associated with improved student academic performance (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and increased student engagement, critical thinking, and better attitudes toward learning. 7 Students build mental models of what is learned,deliberately test the validity of those models and fix faulty models.
PEER INSTRUCTION "Once you engage students' minds, there's an eagerness to learn, to master." Barrett 2008 Continuous feedback and correction received during 1:1 interactions significantly improves learning and achievement.
PRIMING Effects of priming on memory: when learners are exposed to stimuli (set of facts) their memory or recall of stimulus is improved due to the previous exposure. Bodie et so.,2006 Direct instruction out of classroom and prior to receiving in-class instruction "primes" the brain for the active learning to come.
PRE-TRAINING Pre- training is to reduce cognitive load on learners, enabling them to process information efficiently. Students need fewer cognitive resources to learn new material when receiving pre-training.
DIVERSE LEARNERS In traditional classrooms, ELLs "put most of their effort into the lower levels" of Bloom's Taxonomy-- understanding and remembering--as they attempt to follow the teacher's instruction. In flipped classroom, lower levels of taxonomy moved outside of classroom while teacher and students can then focus on upper levels (applying, analyzing, and creating).
After flipping, educators agreed that learning was more active 66% said standardized test scores improved At Clintondale High (MI), failure rates dropped as much as 33 percentage points. Discipline cases fell from 736 in 2009 to 249 in 2010 and to 187 in 2011, a drop of 74% in two years. Parent complaints dropped Fromm 200 down to seven after the change in instructional models. Encouraged, the principal converted the entire school to the Flipped model in BENEFITS OF FLIPPING
66% reported improved standardized test scores 80% perceived improved student attitudes Almost 90% reported increased job satisfaction with 46% reporting significant improvement 90% reported increased positive interactions with students; students had greater access to resources & instruction, were more likely to be engaged in critical thinking and were able to work at their own pace
CONCERNS Videos will replace quality teachers delivery of individualized instruction That flipping is simply swapping the place of lecture and homework. Unequal access to technology for some students
HOW I STARTED The Friday Institute: FIZZ Flipping the Classroom with Katie Gimbar. And Lodge McCommon. Also YouTube has excellent Q&A with Katie FIZZ Paperslide Video Projects (Differentiation) JAZZ or fLIP camera (I use three with rechargeable batteries), iPad, iPod, iPhone or similar. Shower board large cut into six even pieces, tripod or stack of books.
WHAT THE FLIP HAPPENED? Students learning time management. Creativity, excitement, independant learning and product development Active learning through questioning and script writing Learning to self-critique and respectfully critique others' products
After norm was established, students getting started before tardy bell rang. Seeing their work along their peers and raising their own bar Going to the "experts" for remediation and/or project assistance Quiet loners learning to find a place to shine (In groups of two, there's no place to hide.)
Quick remediation tool for individualized learning needs Parents engaged in student learning Videos posted online, copied to jump drives and saved to DVDs Videos viewed at home, grandma's, library, during lunch, during CAT time, before or after school Students learned responsibility -no excuses.