Mentor-Mentee Meeting December Maintaining Balance Teaching & Keeping the Students Interested Presenter: Mrs. Beck pm CMS lab 209 Read IEP’s and 504’s and sign off on them. A good teacher is someone who listens to you as a student and always tries to challenge you —5 th Gr. Student
How are things going? Grab a snack and a water! Matt Kobus Mike Notaro Paul Zapantis Ashley Caouette Erin Sheedy-Amatucci Felicia Neeley Tammy Lowe Meaghan Gnieski Jaclyn Sims Nanof
Curriculum, Planning, Assessment Agenda Revisiting Behavior Management –Review your own discipline/behavior philosophy –How do you respond to inappropriate behavior? –Describe an incident and how did you handle it? –Rules---Rewards---Consequences –Keep track of what is working! Keeping Students Engaged –How do you do this? –How do you modify lessons? When Is It Time to Seek Additional Support? –When you have exhausted your possibilities –Serious problems –When mentors—parents see the need Looking at Student Work Communicating with Parents Problem Solving & Critical Thinking—Strategies you have used Family & Community Engagement Professional Culture Teaching all Students
Classroom Walkthrough Objective : What is the topic, skill or concept that is the learning goal of the lesson/activity? Student Engagement Level –All All-1 –Most Some Few None Student Instructional Mode –Individual/Sm Gr. Whole Class, Partners Teacher instructional Mode –Whole Class Direct Instr. Small Group Direct Instr. Individual Instr. Lecture Facilitating /Providing Feedback Leading Discussion Video Test/Quiz At Desk/Computer Attending to Misc. needs Monitoring Student Transitions, Circulating Not in Room
Strategies Used to Ensure Engagement Noticing and Reacting when Students are not Engaged Equitable Distribution of Questions/Responses Proactive Student Grouping Managing Response Rates Using Physical Movement Effectively Addressing Problem Behaviors Appropriate Pacing Setting Classroom Expectations Building/Reinforcing Student-Adult Relationships Using Praise/Recognition Wittiness/Proximity Awareness Lesson Planned and Structured to Support Student Learning Other
Instructional Practices Used to Help Students Interact with Content Identifying Similarities/Differences Summarizing/Note Taking Homework/Review Visual Cues/Manipulative Cooperative Learning Hypothesis/Predictions Activating Background Knowledge Technology Infusion Identifying Critical Information Examining Errors in Reasoning Using Academic Games Debate/Friendly Controversy Setting Objectives/Providing Feedback Academic Writing Higher Order Thinking and Questioning Use of Questions/Prompts, Cues to Scaffold Learning Inquiry, Role-Playing and Learning Activities Educational Organizers Differentiation to Meet Student Needs Practice Model Thinking Other
I am frustrated by… The best way to describe this year so far is… I need to…. I really love….. New Teacher’s Reflections Share with other new teachers! Set goals for next month! Next meeting________________
Month of January things to think about….. Creating a professional portfolio—include: –Lesson plans/Unit plans –Classroom management discipline strategies –Sample Student work –Photos of classroom, bulleting boards, group lessons –Letter, notes from parents, students –Resume –Books articles read and how they helped you be a better teacher –Other? Observing New Teachers –Reflect on your own practice –Did students learn from my lesson? Were they engaged? How do I know? –What would I change/keep next time? –What do I see am my teaching strengths?
PurposeObjectives/Smart Goals Key ?VocabularyMaterials AssessmentLesson ActivitiesOpening ActivityCulminationGuests/Trips
Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment Teaching All StudentsFamily and Community Engagement Professional Culture A) Knows subject matter and designs effective instruction B) Uses assessments to measure student learning and inform instruction C) Analyzes assessment data effectively A) Uses instructional practices that reflect high expectations and engage all students B) Creates a safe and collaborative learning environment C) Creates an environment that respects students’ diversity D) Implements lessons that set high expectations and are accessible to all students A) Encourages every family to participate in child’s education B) Collaborates with families to support student learning C) Engages in effective communication with families about student learning A) Reflects on own practice B) Pursues professional activities C) Collaborates with colleagues D) Is active in school-wide decision making E) Shares responsibility for students school-wide F) Is ethical and reliable Effective Teaching Standards and Indicators
Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment A) Knows subject matter and designs effective instruction B) Uses assessments to measure student learning and inform instruction C) Analyzes assessment data effectively
Teaching All Students A) Uses instructional practices that reflect high expectations and engage all students B) Creates a safe and collaborative learning environment C) Creates an environment that respects students’ diversity D) Implements lessons that set high expectations and are accessible to all students
Family and Community Engagement A) Encourages every family to participate in child’s education B) Collaborates with families to support student learning C) Engages in effective communication with families about student learning
Professional Culture A) Reflects on own practice B) Pursues professional activities C) Collaborates with colleagues D) Is active in school-wide decision making E) Shares responsibility for students school- wide F) Is ethical and reliable
PROJECT SUCCESS UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS DARTYMOUTH Center for School, University and Community Partnerships Collaborative Assessment Log Mentor: Date: What's Working?Current Focus – Challenges – Concerns? New Teacher's Next Steps:Mentor’s Next Steps: Next Meeting Date: Focus for that meeting: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment Teaching All StudentsFamily and Community Engagement Professional Culture A) Knows subject matter and designs effective instruction B) Uses assessments to measure student learning and inform instruction C) Analyzes assessment data effectively A) Uses instructional practices that reflect high expectations and engage all students B) Creates a safe and collaborative learning environment C) Creates an environment that respects students’ diversity D) Implements lessons that set high expectations and are accessible to all students A) Encourages every family to participate in child’s education B) Collaborates with families to support student learning C) Engages in effective communication with families about student learning A) Reflects on own practice B) Pursues professional activities C) Collaborates with colleagues D) Is active in school-wide decision making E) Shares responsibility for students school-wide F) Is ethical and reliable Modified from Foundations in Mentoring – New Teacher U. of California, Santa Cruz I received a copy of this document (New teacher’s Signature): _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________