1 Collective Accountability To The Work “Learning Is The Work” -Michael Fullan
2 Morning Agenda 8:00 Program Overview 8:30 Response To Intervention Snapshot; LeAnne Robinson WWU 9:20 Break 9:30 Action on The Front Line RTI Blaine Elementary SchoolRTI Blaine Elementary School AVID Blaine High SchoolAVID Blaine High School 10:25 Brief Commercial Message
3 Our Collective Urgency Assuring that all students leave the Blaine School District “ready” (meaningful high school diploma) for post secondary education or training, and/or ultimately prepared for work While we know that or students will not all attend a four-year college, we must continue to strive to provide each of them with the opportunity to make that choice
4 Our System Focus “Teachable Point of View” The collective research is clear (Richard Elmore, Tony Wagner, and others); There are multiple factors which impact the presence of sustainable success for students across the system: 1. Conditions (Time and Resources) 2. Competencies (Professional Development/Capacity Building) 3. Culture (Aligned Communities of Teaching and Learning; P-12) 4. Context (Urgency assures for relevance of our work)
5 Aligned Communities of Teaching and Learning Focus on Learning Rather Than Teaching Work Collaboratively Hold Yourself and Others Accountable To Commitments and Subsequently To Results Richard Dufour
6 Learning For All Not just a “mission statement”, but a collective commitment Pushing forward with a system-wide focus on: Building knowledge of effective practice Building knowledge of effective practice Collaboratively considering opportunities for adaption in our schools and classrooms Collaboratively considering opportunities for adaption in our schools and classrooms Identifying the resources necessary to make those adaptations happen Identifying the resources necessary to make those adaptations happen Establishing and holding each other accountable to clear and consistent indicators of progress Establishing and holding each other accountable to clear and consistent indicators of progress Opening the process of student learning to observation, analysis and proactive dialog with colleagues Opening the process of student learning to observation, analysis and proactive dialog with colleagues
7 Blaine School District Plan “ Theory of Action” Creating the conditions within which it is safe for teaching and learning to be viewed as transparent across the system, and within which teachers have the opportunity to observe, collaborate and proactively reinforce those strategies that are making the greatest difference for student learning
8 Your Most Recent Impact In 2009, students in the Blaine School District performed at or above state averages in 15 of 19 combined grade level and content areas being tested (WASL) The percentage of students meeting standard in reading increased at 5 grade levels tested The percentage of students meeting standard in math increased at 4 grade levels tested
9 Our Results Representative WASL Data (Math)
10 Our Results Representative WASL Data (Reading)
11 Our Results Representative WASL Data (Writing)
12 Our Results 8th Grade Science The Impact of Coaching and Collaboration!
13 The Instructional Core “Three-Legged Stool” High Quality, Relevant and Rigorous Content (All Levels) Intentional and Effective Instruction Active and Engaged Learners Richard Elmore
14 Our Collective Work “The Instructional Core” Assuring that we are focusing on a consistent, rigorous and aligned set of standards (content) Providing timely and relevant opportunities for quality professional development (instruction) Creating meaningful opportunities for collaborative access to and subsequent observation of student engagement in the instructional setting (learners)
15 Why Are We Visiting Classrooms? Observing (levels of student involvement and engagement) Learning (from the perspective of the student) Processing (considering significance of student interaction and implications for their own learning) Supporting the principal (sharing thoughts and ideas specific to guiding non-evaluative conversations with teachers) This is about gaining a better understanding of the complexity of the work, and those practices that drive higher levels of student engagement and involvement This is about gaining a better understanding of the complexity of the work, and those practices that drive higher levels of student engagement and involvement It is not about evaluating teacher performance It is not about evaluating teacher performance
16 Expectations For Administrators and Peers In This Collaborative Work Lead with questions not answers Engage in dialog and debate; not coercion Conduct autopsies without asserting blame Build “red flag” (urgency) reference points around the actions and responses of the learner, rather than those of the teacher Jim Collins
17 Our Continued Focus Supporting staff in becoming even more proficient in the use of achievement data to drive instruction Reinforcing the presence and relevance of key initiatives at all levels of the system (September LID Focus) Response To Intervention K-8Response To Intervention K-8 AVID 9-12AVID 9-12 Celebrating success through maintaining a focus on those things that remain positive and right for students and their success in our system
18 Validating Your Work Ensuring That All Students Are Learning Response to Intervention (K-8 Initiative) LeAnne Robinson(WWU) Overview Blaine Elementary School Team Application AVID (9-12 Initiative) Blaine High School Team Blaine High School Team Overview and Application
19 “Patience gives us self-control, the capacity to stop and be in the present moment. From that place, we can make wise choices.” The Power of Patience M.J. Ryan