District Vision “To Become a Premier District” District Instructional Goals 1.Increase AA, Hispanic, & low SES scores on TAKS science & math to meet or exceed state average. 2.To fully implement a viable, comprehensive, & aligned curriculum management system.
District Instructional Goals and Action Plan 1.Increase AA, Hispanic, & low SES scores on TAKS science & math or exceed state average. Action Plan: Professional Learning Communities (Culturally responsive teaching - effective instructional strategies) Administrative monitoring (classrooms and teaching) Improve parent communication Campuses/departments will create an Action Plan Action plans will be reviewed and discussed with Superintendent and Assist. Superintendent at Wednesday Leadership Meetings 2. To fully implement a viable, comprehensive, & aligned curriculum management system. Action Plan: Implement Cscope Curriculum K-12 On-going Cscope staff development Provide on-going feedback Principals meet with instructional coaches weekly– nine weeks with Assist. Superintendent. Focus on student learning - looking for active student engagement
Focus 1: Math & Science Achievement Pre-assessments in Math for early identification In-school AND after-school Math/Science intervention programs Title 1 position utilized for math intervention, co-teaching, modeling math lessons/math stations, and in-class support Math Word Banks Science Savvy (word of the day during morning announcements) Love a Lion Mentor Program Science lab incorporated into C-Scope lesson planning for all grades Focus 2: C-Scope Implementation Administrative observations, monitoring, and feedback conferences Weekly C-Scope planning sessions with instructional coaches Data conferences