Louis Cabuhat, Dean of Education Bryman College Student Engagement – Unit Two
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there” - Richard S. Sagor Connecting Your Actions to the Target IMPROVED OUTCOMES
Performance Targets (INDIVIDUAL OUTCOMES) Ask yourself, “What are students expected to gain from our ‘actions”? Improved motivation √ Improved engagement Realistic goal-setting Improved achievement Process Targets (TECHNIQUES or STRATEGIES) Development of an Early Warning System Training Targets (Sagor, 2011)
Unit One dealt with motivation Motivation is driven by emotion 60 minute face-to-face session (followed by) Online discussion forum Recap
Discussion ReCap of Motivation Participants were asked; How can you tell if a student is motivated? These are some of the responses offered: …[the student has a] smile on face – Meryl Harlow …[the student is] active in the activities – Anthony Cervantes …[the student accepts that] communication is the KEY to success – Ms. Lee …student is on time and prepared - Alex Esparcia …[the student makes] time to study – Rosemary Bautista …[I turn to] attitudes, behavior and classroom performance with attendance and grades – Avic Magsaysay
Drafting a Scale: Motivation
Unit Two – Student Engagement Learners will be able to: List at least one definition of student engagement Weigh the benefits of student engagement on persistence Adjust teacher responses to support student engagement
Defining Student Engagement Many Descriptors such as: Involved Interested Connected A professor at Oklahoma City University, in helping to shed light on the topic of engagement, suggests “…that engagement implies there is something more; that it means going beyond what can be seen in the classroom” (Garrett, 2011, p. 3).
↓ Engagement = ↑ Dropout Rate Ask yourself these questions: -Does a happy student involve themselves in learning? -Is a distracted student less interested in learning? -Is a disengaged student less likely to connect with you? If you answer ‘YES’ to any of these questions, be aware!
The Influence of Emotions Students who are successful in managing their emotions and relationships and impulse control are more likely to persist to graduation Involved Interested Connected If you are successful at assisting learners to manage their emotions, persistence is more likely. Teachers create activities that allow for engagement!
How do you lay the groundwork for engagement? Engagement improvement programs do work! Remember that a process of improvement is required – you lead the challenge! You’re not alone: Introduce a “Success Coach” into your class Seek assistance from student affairs Rely on the benefits of peer-support circles
Reread Susan’s Case Susan is a new student who is attending classes at Bryman College – A for-profit organization. As a new enrollment to the school, Susan repeatedly misses assignment deadlines and submits work late. While in class, her instructor notices that Susan frequently avoids eye contact with others and she excludes herself from group discussions. Now, in her third week of a four week module, it doesn’t look good. Susan has failed her mid-term exam. And now, the teacher is concerned that some of Susan’s behavior is an early indication of what’s about to come – another drop for the college; another failed attempt. So, in an effort to address the problem, the teacher presents what she knows of Susan to colleagues at the college. And, to her surprise, several of the other staff members are dealing with a ‘Susan’ of their own. What’s even more unsettling – the College attrition rate for newly enrolled students is extremely high.
Return to EduOs.net to continue addressing Susan’s case anchoring your ideas to ENGAGEMENT
Reference List Axelson, R. D., & Flick, A. (2011, January-February).Defining student engagement. Retrieved from Issues/2011/January-February 2011/student-engagement-abstract.html Allen, I. H., & Lester, S. M. (2012). The impact of a college survival skills course and a success coach on retention and academic performance. Journal of career and technical education, 27(1), Retrieved from Garrett, C. (2011, November). Defining, detecting, and promoting student engagement in college learning environments. Retrieved from Sagor, R. (2011). The action research guidebook: a four-stage process for educators and school teams. (2 ed.). Thousand Oak, California: Corwin. Sparkman, L., Maulding, W. S., & Roberts, J. G. (2012). Non-cognitive predictors of student success in college. College student journal, 46(3), Retrieved from