Andrius Blažinskas Fedora role in eLABa: current situation and future plans Senior programmer, Kaunas University of Technology Also thanks to Antanas Štreimikis.


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Presentation transcript:

Andrius Blažinskas Fedora role in eLABa: current situation and future plans Senior programmer, Kaunas University of Technology Also thanks to Antanas Štreimikis and Daiva Černytė

Outline What is eLABa? Software used eLABa data model in Fedora: –Collections –PIDs –Datastreams –Disseminators Future plans Statistics

What is eLABa? Lithuanian Academic e-Library (eLABa) is designed for the personnel of Lithuanian research institutions who write study and research publications, that are to be submitted, archived, catalogued and presented to the readers and other systems The aim of eLABa is by the use of information and communication technologies to develop favorable conditions to disseminate more quickly the newest scientific knowledge and learning material, to improve the quality of research and higher education processes, to educate e-Society and develop knowledge economy eLABa is being created while developing Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT) and implementing the projects funded by European Union Structural Funds

Software used

eLABa data model: collections

eLABa data model: PID format Fedora object-pid = Namespace ID : Object ID Namespace ID: LT eLABa-0001, where LT – country code Object ID format is different for every object type For example, rules for book (B.03) PID formation: More examples of object IDs: –B.01~2006, B.02~1995~ISSN_ , E.02~2008~D_ _ –J.04~2008~ISSN_ N_5_85.PG_25-28, P.03~2000~D_ SEQN_001.N_001 General patternLT-eLABa-0001:B.03~YYYY~ISBN_XXX.SEQN_XXX ExplanationsLTCountry codeRequired eLABa-001Depends to eLABa-0001Required B.03BookRequired YYYYRelease yearRequired ISBN_XXXXXX - ISBN numberIf has ISBN SEQN_XXX XXX - unique code (A-z, 0- 9, not more than 10 symbols) If doesn't have ISBN ExampleLT-eLABa-0001:B.03~2006~ISBN_

eLABa data model: datastreams Main datastreams: –MARCXML – eLABaMARC, basically MARC 21 with some modifications –DC – Dublin Core, formed from MARCXML –RELS-EXT – indicates relations between same collection objects and is used for OAI-PMH to define sets and OAI-PMH ID –POLICY – mainly used to control access to ETDs Other datastreams: –Have IDs of form: DS.XXX.Y.ZZ.T, where XXX – datastream type code, Y – language code and ZZ – sequence number, T – datastream type string –Example: DS BOOK: 001 – indicates this is contents of the book, 0 – LT language, 01 – is first book contents

eLABa data model: datastreams Other possible datastreams: ABSTR, COMMI, CONTE, CONTEE, DESCRK, DESCR, INFO, PERSO, REFER, COVER, ESSPG, COPYR_C

eLABa data model: disseminators 3 disseminator methods for OAI-PMH: –getDC – for all objects –getMARC21 – for all objects –Possible parameter lang values: ENG and LIT (LIT MARCXML version is for ALEPH) –getETD-MS – for ETD objects only

Future plans Migrate from Fedora to 3.x –Make use of content models –Make better use of resource index (and RELS-EXT) for fast object querying and statistics gathering –Utilize new efficient REST interface Create WEB based application for data ingestion into Fedora Create fully automatic procedures for further data processing after object ingestion into Fedora Create object access and other extensive statistics gathering

Statistics Since 2003 till now ( ) 38 Lithuanian academic institutions have ingested eLABa data objects, from which are ETD objects (remaining 5098 are books, articles, etc.). Most recent statistics available at:

Thanks for attention! eLABa ALEPH search: eLABa Fedora search: LABT site: eLABa Primo search: (Library Resources -> eLABa objects (Articles, Books, ETDs, Data, etc.)) eLABa site: