Jenny Haubenreiser, MA, FACHA President, ACHA A Comprehensive Approach to College Health in the U.S.
Montana State University Bozeman, Montana
First College Health Program Dr. Edward Hitchcock First college health program established at Amherst College in Massachusetts, 1861 American College Health Association founded in 1920 ACHA is now the recognized voice of college health, representing multiple disciplines and multiple regions throughout the U.S.
ACHA Membership Over 2800 individual members and 800 institutional members 9 disciplinary “sections” Clinical Medicine Health Promotion Administration Mental Health Nurse & Nurse-Directed Advanced Practice Pharmacy Student/Consumers
ACHA Membership: 6 regions & 11 affiliates
ACHA Website – key resource for membership
ACHA has now cumulatively surveyed over 930,000 students at 576 institutions By Spring 2012, ACHA expects to reach the 1 million student milestone ACHA-National College Health Assessment
ACHA Guidelines & Position Papers Standards of Practice for Health Promotion in Higher Education Position Statement on Tobacco on College Campuses Cultural Competency Guidelines Preventing Sexual Violence on Campus General Statement of Ethical Principles and Guidelines Guidelines for Hiring Health Promotion Professionals
ACHA Guidelines & Position Papers Tuberculosis Screening and Testing Emergency Planning Guidelines Campus Response to the Novel Influenza H1N1 Standards for Student Health Insurance and Benefits Recommendations for Institutional Prematriculation Immunizations
Continuum of Care Health Promotion
Socio-ecological model
National Health Objectives Examples: Campus leadership involvement Student engagement Availability of medical and preventive services Substance abuse Tobacco use Fitness & nutrition Immunization & contraception STI testing Victim advocacy Emergency response Behavioral intervention teams Law enforcement Major Categories: Demographic measures Risk & protective factors Morbidity & Mortality Access to health care Health outcomes Physical environment Prevention Social support
Journal of American College Health & the Action Newsletter Journal of American College Health Owned/operated by Taylor & Francis Publications (in cooperation with ACHA) The only peer-reviewed scholarly publication devoted entirely to college health Professional development resource and member benefit Exclusive ACHA membership benefit: Free Access to online archives! ACTION Newsletter A quarterly publication Share knowledge and updates about issues in student health, best practices, and innovative solutions
2013 Annual Meeting, Boston Massachusetts Focus on Integrated practices, the integration of knowledge, strategies, skills, care and service across the continuum of the college experience. Focus on the spirit of service to self, family, institution, community, country and the environment. Focus on research-driven, creative, innovative and interdisciplinary opportunities that challenge, empower and inspire attendees.
Looking Ahead… College and university student health is now a global issue. We can better prepare our students to live in a global community by learning and sharing knowledge with our international colleagues.
全国大学保健管理協会の皆様のご厚情に 厚くお礼申し上げます。 Thank you to the Japan University Health Association for your hospitality.