Thank You for Joining Us, Your Amazon Kindle Webinar Will Be Starting in a Few Minutes. While you wait please be sure to turn your speakers up and grab something to take notes with
Welcome What we’ll cover during this presentation… What is a Kindle and how is it changing the way we read? I’ll show you how some people are easily making lots of money publishing content for Kindle users and others. I’ll show you how I’m doing the same… Making tons of cash I’ll show you how to get started with creating your own kindle acct for free AND how to get started NOW! And last but not least, I’ll show you how YOU can make money off of it… All in about an hour
Special Bonus Material As an extra gift for you joining us, we’ll also cover… How to get started ASAP as in Now! How to tell if the idea or market that you are thinking about is a winner Plus I’ll show you how to avoid the “Amazon Slap” and make even More money! (Sadly, a lot of people are really missing the point on this) A couple of “Secret” elements that I add to my titles to double and even triple my kindle ebook sales
Who am I and Why Me? What makes me qualified to teach you how to make money on Kindle? Husband of 7 years, Father of 4 and a business owner I’ve marketed different products online for about 10 years Have been Testing, Tweaking and Making a Killing off of for many, many years.. I started out with testing their resellers program, then I perfected their Advantage Program, I made money with their associate program and now I’m mastering publishing content to their Kindle division In short I know in and out.. I know what sells and what does not sell!
First, What is a Kindle? Before we begin, lets talk about what exactly is a “Kindle” and why is it so important to anyone who is looking for an easy, secure long lasting, residual way to make money ??? The Kindle is a portable e-book reader developed by that allows it’s users to be able to shop for, download, browse, and read e-books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, reports and other digital media.
The shift… Right now there is a digital shift that’s taking place, where people are buying and consuming written material in the form of ebooks more than ever before and the trend will continue. is now selling more ebooks for Kindle than hardcover books in fact, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says that “For every 100 hardcover books has sold, the Company has sold 180 Kindle books”
The shift… This digital shift that’s taking place is making some people extremely wealthy and at the least financially free with Very Little Effort. Here are 3 examples… #1- Amanda Hocking, an unknown, 26 year old girl from Minnesota who is making millions of dollars publishing stories to Kindle. In fact Forbes magazine recently published an article on herarticle #2- Stephen Leather a British guy who sells about 2,000 ebooks a day on Kindle #3- Most recently John Locke became the first person to sell 1 Millions kindle ebooks and he did it in less than 1 year (This is according to Amazon) In addition to these folks there are hundreds, if not thousands of people like myself that are making thousands and tens of thousands of dollars selling content on Kindle.
Amazon Needs You… So let me answer a question that’s probably going through your head, and that is “Why would Amazon allow us to sell content for the Kindle?” The Answer is Simple #1- Amazon started with the intention of becoming the world’s largest bookstore.. They can’t do that on their own, in fact they need people like you and I to help them to reach their goal and maintain their position… Especially now that they have competitors like Apple with their iPad and B&N with the Nook #2- Its all about the money… Amazon makes money every time you do. They keep 30%, you keep 70%, not bad right?
Millions & Millions of Kindle Owners Amazon is doing everything in their power to get as many Kindles as possible into the hands of people who will buy OUR content.. So Kindles are not only sold on
You Are At Ground Level of What has Ben Called A “Digital Diamond Mine” Lets take a look at some of the money that I’ve been able to make just “playing” around with this stuff over the last couple of months…
Disclaimer… I’m about to show you some of the physical checks that I received as a result of publishing content for Kindle.. I say physical because I recently changed my account over to the direct deposit option which I’ll explain more in a few minutes… Now the earnings that I’m about to show you are not typical and I don’t guarantee that you’ll make the same amount, there are a lot of different factors involved and everyone is different.. The system is easy but there is still a good chance that you may make less or even more than I make… Some people are making hundreds of thousands.. I’m making about 10 thousand a month now, So lets take a look.
The Proof… One of my first checks from Amazon was $2,297.30
And Even More Proof… Then the next month, Dec I got a check for $2,873.13
And Even More Proof… My January check was $4,462.53
More Proof… And then my next check was $8,403.84
More Proof… Now against Amazon’s TOS to share live account info My account is now up to pulling in $20, a month and I did it in less than a year…. JOKE - You can’t live off of that but it’ll do
Its Growing! The beautiful thing about making money on Amazon as you’ve just seen and as I’ll show you even more in a bit is that the amount grows month after month after month with very little if any additional work on your part. So the work that I’ve done to get those checks was done 1 time, yet I continue to get paid month after month… And if I want to make more money, I take a few minutes and just add more titles to my account. Its that easy, which I’ll show you in a minute.
eBooks The New Billion Dollar Market According to Forrester research, nearly $1 billion dollars worth of e-books were sold last year and by 2015, that number is expected to jump to $3 Billion Dollars. There is a lot of money to be made selling on Kindle! Think about that You are Getting In On the Ground Floor…
Set It and Forget It, Recurring Income Once you set up your titles, that’s all you have to do. You don’t have to drive traffic No Order Taking No Customer service issues No Shipping of orders No Chasing prospects & customers In fact, nearly everyone that visits Amazon is a customer with credit card in hand ready to buy!
How to do it step-by-step… In the next couple of minutes, I’m going to show you How to create your very own Amazon kindle account that you can start selling from… I’m going to show you how to publish your own ebooks, reports and other content with it I’m going to show you which markets sell the best I’m going to show you how to pick winning titles for your ebooks And I’m even going to show you how to get access to high quality ebooks and written material that no one else has, that you can resell on Amazon and keep 100% of the profits.
Lets Get Started Literally takes about 5-10 minutes to both create your kindle publisher’s account, as well as add ebooks to it… Let me show you how easy and simple it is, lets login and at the same time I’ll show you how to sign up for a free account at
What do you sell? You can literally sell content for almost every topic, except the obviously illegal stuff and porn. So that means you can sell “how to” information, stories, guides, reports, manuscripts, biographies, courses, There are 3 very simple ways to get content to sell, I’ve used all 3 of these… #1- Write it yourself… Not my favorite, I can’t stand writing but if you are a writer this would be the perfect option for you #2- Hire someone to write it for you… I use this option a lot and have paid as little as $20.00 to have people write content for me. You own 100% of the rights to it and can resell as long and often as you want, you can even put your name on it. #3- Private label rights, what is it? – You can buy this type of content from sites like for as little as $4- and own the rights to resell it on Amazon.
How to Find Hot Topics to Publish “Lets Take a Look at A Couple of Easy Ways for You to Find Scorching, Hot Topics to Publish” For this you’ll use Google’s free Keyword tool
Its To Easy to Find Hot Markets
Google LOVES Amazon = Mo $ 4 U
Use This Stuff to Make Money
“Use The Google Keyword Tool to Find Topics and Create Titles… A Few More Ways to Create KILLER Titles!”
Title Enhancers That Double & Triple Sales “After Months of Testing I’ve Found That Simply Adding The Following Elements to My Titles Can Dramatically Increase Sales” Lets check out just a few of them nownow And then lets take a look at Google’s free Keyword tool
Screen Shots of Highly Searched Title Enhancers That Double & Triple Sales
“How To” Title Enhancer
“Tips To” Title Enhancer
“So There You Have It.. An Easy, Yet Profitable Way to Publish Highly In demand Content to Amazon’s Kindle”
It Works for Every Market… THINK ABOUT IT! You can publish material to Kindle for Any Market or Niche and still make money. It works for; Niche markets, small markets, large markets, obscure markets eBooks, long reports, short reports Stuff you write, Private labels rights stuff or ghost written stuff
What Holds You Back… THINK ABOUT IT! Kindle solves all of the traditional “barriers” to making money online because You don’t have to have money because there is no upfront advertising cost You don’t have to be an expert or be “smart” You don’t need an ISBN or barcode because everything is digital You don’t have to be a writer (I can’t stand writing!) You don’t need to know how to write copy or be a marketer You don’t have to understand Pay Per Click or article marketing You don’t need traffic or have to chase prospects and customers Some people are lazy.. Can’t help you there, but you don’t even need a lot of time… It takes about 7 minutes to upload each new revenue stream!
Who is this for… This course is for anyone who is looking for an easy way to make money In fact you can do this even if you Have never sold anything in your life Have a 8 th grade education as my 13 year old daughter does Have limited experience, limited Internet access, limited time or even limited money Hate writing Have NO technical skills (you saw how easy this is) Live in another country outside of the United States, there are literally people from countries around the globe that are making money with this
Testimonials So Far… “I am excited and grateful to be in on this, especially at the time that it is happening. I feel that it was meant for me.” – Theria S. “Single mom raising three sons working on a J.O.B (just over broke) that she knew she had to get out of. Made the sacrifice, took a chance, believed in the system, believed in herself and the God given ability to create wealth.... she did it and so can you.” – LaKisha “You gave me the motivation and inspiration to change my life financially by publishing for Kindle. This type of work is a great fit for me as a senior guy who truly needs the money after going unexpectedly unemployed from my college job.” – Harry P “Hi Ty, Just finished video 2. The Title and Description information is awesome! Puts us in a whole different level than others. Just great information!” – Harry P
From Just 1 Account $13, in deposits This is Your Diamond mine, don’t let someone else get to it before you do.
How Could This Change Your Life? As you’ve just seen just having just a few half decent selling titles in your account could change your life. Imagine if you had 9, 10, 11 or even 20?!?! As I’ve shown you, John Locke only has 9 titles and he’s sold a combined 1 million copies in under a year What would you do with the extra income? Put it towards your kid’s future? Use it to pay your mortgage? Buy a house or better one? Buy your dream car? Get a maid? Get out of debt? Travel the globe? Start your own business? The possibilities are endless and having this type of additional income allows you to Live on Your terms… Instead of simply existing
Why Do Most People Fail in Life? “Most People Fail Simply Because They Under Value the Opportunities That Are Given to Them”
This is Your Acre of Diamonds… Don’t Pass It Up and Allow Someone Else to Reap the Benefits of It! Because you may Never see an opportunity that is as easy as this again, ever!
You’ll get the entire system… What I’ve done is put together a very complete course that shows you step-by-step how I grew my Amazon Kindle publishing account from nothing to over $10, a month in less than a few months… I drop my guard and show you every single thing that I’ve learned about making unheard of amounts of money by publishing material to Kindle, Everything, including other test results that allowed me to Double the amount of money that I was making and then Triple it after that as you’ve seen in the video.
I’ll show you… How to find topics to publish that are highly in demand… Topics that sell like crazy… I’ve tested dozens of different topics over the months and have a list of the best ones… Mega Money Ideas I’ll show you how to pick the best way to go, PLR, ghost writer or writing it yourself. If PLR is what you’ll be selling, I’ll show you my 3 favorite places to quickly get low cost, high quality, unique content that you’ll own full rights to and be able to sell for top dollar. Want to hire someone to write your content? If so I’ll show you the right and wrong way to hire someone to write content for you and how to make sure that You own the rights to it (Some people screw this up big time) Or if you choose to write your own content, I’ll give you my preformatted template that makes the whole process of writing your own content drop dead easy, and gets your material approved every time. Without delay. Just fill in the blanks and go I’ll also show you how to price your ebooks maximum sales.
I’ll show you… The simple strategy that I taught one of my buddies that is now making him $ a month, from simple 2 page reports… This is super easy to do.. In fact I have my kids doing it now also I’ll also tell you the same thing that I told Greg Cesar that allowed him to “test” 2 ebooks and sell over 100 copies right out the gate, his first time doing it. (Its That Easy!) How to find what people are searching for and want to buy so that you can give it right to them… The easiest way to make money is by finding out what people want to buy.. And selling it to them.. I’ll show you how its done I’ll also tell you the 4 prices that I have tested and found that doubled, tripled and even quadrupled my ebook sales in some cases.
I’ll show you… The other things that I also found to create Best-Selling titles and descriptions that will draw mega attention to your ebooks and make people want to buy your stuff over everything else they see on Amazon – Powerful! How to get super professional covers, just like the one I used in the example for less than $3- (some people pay hundreds to have covers of less quality created… Why? Simply because they don’t know any better) I’ll also show you how to get hundreds and even thousand of other websites to post links back to your ebooks on Amazon helping you to make even more money. (This method alone makes me thousands in additional revenue outside of Amazon and I’m just as excited about this as I am about selling content for Kindle)
And finally you’ll also get The other simple tips that I use for picking what content to sell on Amazon. (This one method tripled my sales from $3, a month to $8,000.00) I’ll also “show” you in live examples the top 5 money losing mistakes that I see people making on Amazon every day and how you can avoid making them so that you get straight to making money. You’ll get access to the entire list of “Special words” that I include in my titles when adding a new ebook to my account… Just adding these few words to your title will get people to buy even more of your ebooks day in and day out, even while you play or are on vacation! And if you still have questions, which you won’t… You’ll also get my private address and the ability to me once a week with any questions that you have.
Lets Talk Value Something like this, that’s not a get rich quick scheme, but a get rich slowly and stay rich “System” has multiple “Can’t Lose” factors. #1 Its easy and you don’t need any special skill. My 13 y/o does it #2 You are dealing with a highly reputable, multi-billion dollar company,, that needs you and your content. #3 You make money month after month... Not once but Monthly.
Lets Talk Value So even if you paid $20, for my course you would still come out on top… I would have gladly paid that much or more because I would have made it back in just 2 months as you’ve seen… And every month’s royalties after that is just gravy. In fact, Greg Cesar and I are holding a private, by invite only live seminar in Atlanta soon at his Mansion… Where I’ll be teaching the same information and people are paying $5, each to attend that event. This system is that valuable. You won’t pay anywhere near that amount but whatever you pay it is absolutely, without a doubt worth it to get in on the ground floor of something so exciting and life changing.
NOT EVERYONE CAN GET IN! Because I will only tolerate working with serious people, who seriously need an easy way to make money I’m requiring that everyone who gets a copy of the “System” to; #1 - Provide me with a testimonial of your success once you start making money #2 - Do Something ! Don’t sign up for this program if you are not going to do anything with the information that I give you. Its to easy to get this right!
Only a Few Serious Individuals Will Get In. With that said this is not some cheap download, or a basic 20 – 30 page ebook, based on “Theory” of what “might” work… it’s a physical video course on multiple video CDs that will get shipped out to you by mail and it contains information that Does Work! There is a lot of content in this thing, I cover everything from the most basic, simple of things to the most advanced and everything in between. So to be sure that I provide you with as much value as possible I decided to put it all on a collection of high quality video so you can see what I do, as I do it and why I do it as well as the results that I get so that you can follow along and copy my every move. I’ve made it super easy so that everyone, especially newbies and beginners can follow along and get quick results.
HURRY! In the videos, I show you the entire system, from start to finish… You’ll literally look over my shoulder as I show you everything that you’ll need to get started as quickly as possible, to start making money This is Your Diamond Mine, don’t let someone else get to it before you do. To get one of the very few available courses go to
This System Contains the Entire “Success Package”… There are No Loopholes No Tricks No Gimmicks In fact this system is 100% better than anything you may have ever seen before and it will change your life, just like its changed my life and the lives of many others simply because…
It’s a Diamond! Be one of the first to have it shipped to you by going to
SPECIAL FAST ACTION BONUSES FOR Placing Your Order Tonight Be one of the first to TAKE ACTION by going to Remember the Fast Action Bonuses are Only Good for Tonight The option to pay in 2 or 3 installments
You’ve Seen The Money That Can Be Made, You’ve Seen How Easy It Is, Don’t Self Talk Your Self Out of This Opportunity… It’s a Diamond! Be one of the first to TAKE ACTION by going to Remember, The Fast Action Bonuses will Only Be Given to Those that Order Before 12 Midnight Eastern, Tonight and Will No Longer Be Made Available Afterwards