U.S. Geological Survey Streamgaging Program U.S. Geological Survey Streamgaging Program J. Michael Norris Coordinator, National Streamflow Information Program
Discuss: USGS streamgaging program USGS streamgaging program Uses of streamflow information Uses of streamflow information National Streamflow Information Program (NSIP) National Streamflow Information Program (NSIP)
. The U.S. Geological Survey currently collects streamflow data at over 7,500 streamgages* *3,200,000 river reaches – 1 streamgage per 430 river reaches *3,200,000 river reaches – 1 streamgage per 430 river reaches San Francisquito Cr. nr. Stanford, CA Pacific Cr. nr Moran, WY
Expanding Uses of Streamflow Information Resource appraisal and allocation Resource appraisal and allocation Design of Nation’s water infrastructure Design of Nation’s water infrastructure Flood hazard planning and forecasting Flood hazard planning and forecasting Reservoir and power operations Reservoir and power operations Water quality management Water quality management Instream flows for habitat conditions Instream flows for habitat conditions Understanding changes of streamflow Understanding changes of streamflow Recreational safety Recreational safety More....? More....?
Use of Streamflow Information for Resource Appraisal And Allocation Municipal water supply Municipal water supply Irrigation Irrigation Manufacturing Manufacturing Hydropower Hydropower Habitat Habitat
Use of Streamflow Information for the Design of the Nation’s Water Infrastructure Dams Dams Navigational locks and dams Navigational locks and dams Bridges Bridges Culverts Culverts Water Treatment facilities Water Treatment facilities
Use of Streamflow Information for Flood Hazard Planning and Forecasting NWS NWS Streamflow Forecast Model Calibrations Streamflow Forecast Model Calibrations Model Verification Model Verification Streamflow Forecasting Streamflow Forecasting FEMA FEMA Flood plain delineations Flood plain delineations Food Insurance Rate Maps Food Insurance Rate Maps
Use of Streamflow Information for Reservoir and Power Operations Amount of water available in low-flow conditions. Amount of water available in low-flow conditions. Amount of water available today. Amount of water available today. Amount of water expected in the future both short and long term Amount of water expected in the future both short and long term
Use of Streamflow Information for Water Quality Management and Instream Flows for Habitat Conditions TMDL’s TMDL’s Quantity and timing of flows critical for habitat Quantity and timing of flows critical for habitat
Use of Streamflow Information for Understanding Changes of Streamflow and Recreational safety Land use, water use, and climate changes Land use, water use, and climate changes Recreational safety and enjoyment Recreational safety and enjoyment
Streamgaging Network Instability
What are the Issues? Network’s ability to meet long-standing Federal goals declined because of: Network’s ability to meet long-standing Federal goals declined because of: An increasing instability in the network caused by a loss of critical streamgages due to the way the streamgaging program is funded. An increasing instability in the network caused by a loss of critical streamgages due to the way the streamgaging program is funded. New issues and new technologies have increased the demand for streamflow information. New issues and new technologies have increased the demand for streamflow information. New technologies are needed to: New technologies are needed to: Improve reliability Improve reliability Decrease costs Decrease costs Decrease uncertainty Decrease uncertainty
Funding for USGS Streamgaging Network, FY 2008 Total $136.6M
Five National Streamflow Information Program Goals 1. Stabilize the streamgaging network 1. Stabilize the streamgaging network National backbone network of streamgages to meet Federal needs National backbone network of streamgages to meet Federal needs Modernize and harden the network streamgages Modernize and harden the network streamgages 4,744 NSIP Federal Goal Streamgages (914 streamgages meet more than one need)
National Streamflow Information Program (cont.) 2. Floods and droughts 2. Floods and droughts 3. Regional assessments of streamflow characteristics 3. Regional assessments of streamflow characteristics 4. Improved information delivery 4. Improved information delivery 5. Methods development and research 5. Methods development and research
Streamgage Network Funding Burden
Stakeholder Support SECURE Water Act SECURE Water Act