Introduction - 1 u Analyze the requirements Captured. u Refine and Structure them. u Achieve more precise understanding of the requirements. u Achieve description of the requirements that is easy to maintain that helps us give structure to the whole system.
Introduction - 2 u To communicate with customer efficiently l Use cases must be kept as independent to each other as possible. l Use case must be described using the language of the customer. l Use case must be structured to form a complete and intuitive specification of functionality.
Introduction - 3 u The above considerations leads to unresolved issues regarding the system requirements. u The main purpose of the Analysis is to resolve them by analyzing the requirements more in depth. u The language of the developers is used to describe the system. u Internal View of the System.
Characteristics - 1 u Described using language of the developers. u Internal View of the System. u Developed for developers to understand the system. u Should not contain inconsistencies and redundancies. u Outlines how to realize functionality of the system. u Defines use-case realizations each one representing the analysis of a use case from the usecase model u Provides input for shaping up the architecture of the system as a whole.
Characteristics – 2 u Language used in Analysis is called the Analysis Model. u Provides a structure that focuses on maintenance. u Feeds input to the Design and Implementation Phase. u Makes abstractions and avoids solving problems
Purpose of Analysis u Yields a more precise specification of the requirements. u Described using the Language of the developers. u Structure the requirements in a way that facilitates understanding them, preparing them and changing them and in general maintaining them. u First Cut at Design Model and is an essential input when the system is shaped in design and implementation.
Role of Analysis in S/W Life Cycle
The Analysis Model * * 1 Analysis Model Analysis Package Analysis Classes Use Case Realization Analysis * * * * Analysis System
Artifact - The Analysis Model u Analysis Classes l Boundary Classes l Control Classes l Entity Classes u Use Case Realization Analysis l Class Diagram l Interaction Diagram l Flow of Events l Special Requirements u Analysis Packages l Service Package u Architectural Description.
Artifact – Analysis Classes u Represents an abstraction of one or several classes. u The abstraction has the following characteristics. u Focuses on handling functional requirement. u Analysis class defines behavior by responsibilities on a higher and less formal level. u Defines Attributes at a higher Level. u Are involved in relationships. u Classes fit into one of three basic stereotypes Boundary Class, Control Class and Entity Class
ANALYSIS CLASSES Responsibilities Attributes Relationships Special requirements Analysis Class Boundary ClassControl ClassEntity Class
Boundary Classes u Used to model interaction between system and actor. u Represent abstraction of windows, forms, panes, communication Interface, sensors, terminals and API. u Each boundary class relate at least one actor and visa versa Payment Handler Buyer
Entity Classes u Used to model classes that is long lived and often persistent. Entity classes model information and associated behavior of some Phenomena or Concepts such as real time object, individual or real life event. Payment Handler UIBuyer Invoice Browses Payment Scheduler
Control Classes u Represent coordination, sequencing, transactions and control of other objects and are often used to encapsulate control related to a specific usecase. Payment Handler UIBuyer Invoice Browses