Summer Internship Name: Erin Damitio Name: Erin Damitio Company: Sears Roebuck and Co. Company: Sears Roebuck and Co. Location: Hoffman Estates, IL Location: Hoffman Estates, IL Title: Merchandise Planning Intern Title: Merchandise Planning Intern Duration: May 2002-August 2002 Duration: May 2002-August 2002
Internship Goals Learn the basics of merchandising that are applicable to all product lines Learn the basics of merchandising that are applicable to all product lines Learn more about the job responsibilities of a buyer Learn more about the job responsibilities of a buyer Work with the marketing team Work with the marketing team Learn the fundamentals of vendor relations Learn the fundamentals of vendor relations Gain exposure to product development Gain exposure to product development
Internship Experience Forecasted sales for a $ 475,000,000 department which included five product lines Forecasted sales for a $ 475,000,000 department which included five product lines Purchased inventory Purchased inventory Replenished stores’ inventory Replenished stores’ inventory Provided customer service to vendors & stores Provided customer service to vendors & stores Assisted with marketing responsibilities including verifying ad integrity and ad position Assisted with marketing responsibilities including verifying ad integrity and ad position Worked with men’s product development team Worked with men’s product development team Exposed to sourcing, technical design, testing lab and color lab Exposed to sourcing, technical design, testing lab and color lab Attended meetings including: Spring ‘03 Design Overview, Cross Divisional Design and Counter Sample Review Attended meetings including: Spring ‘03 Design Overview, Cross Divisional Design and Counter Sample Review
Likes/Dislikes Likes Corporate atmosphere Level of responsibility Intern conference and the weekly intern meetings Dislikes The inability to select what department you work in
Supervisors Merchandise Analyst: Bart Lowery Merchandise Analyst: Bart Lowery Merchandise Planner: Mike Hickey Merchandise Planner: Mike Hickey Buyer: Dennis Matthews Buyer: Dennis Matthews
Department Product lines that I worked with included: Air conditioners Air conditioners Upright and Chest Freezers Upright and Chest Freezers Dehumidifiers Dehumidifiers Compact Refrigerators Compact Refrigerators
Living Accommodations Sears provided all interns with a beautiful, completely furnished apartment (apartment complex also included a pool, workout room, free video rentals, and car wash) Sears provided all interns with a beautiful, completely furnished apartment (apartment complex also included a pool, workout room, free video rentals, and car wash) Apartment was approximately 30 miles from Chicago Apartment was approximately 30 miles from Chicago They also provided a rental car for you to share with your roommate They also provided a rental car for you to share with your roommate
How Did I Obtain My Internship? Career Fair!!! The position that I originally applied for was for the in-store management internship. However, they now offer the merchandise planning internship to MSU students. The position that I originally applied for was for the in-store management internship. However, they now offer the merchandise planning internship to MSU students.
Contact Information Jennifer Hobock Jennifer Hobock Manager College Recruitment Services Manager College Recruitment Services 3333 Beverly Road, D4-175A 3333 Beverly Road, D4-175A Hoffman Estates, IL Hoffman Estates, IL Phone / Fax Phone / Fax