Minerals and Microbes
Base Exchangeable Cations Calcium (Ca) ++ 60% - 70% Ca & Mg together should add to 80% of exchange capacity Magnesium (Mg) ++ 10% - 20% Potasium (K) + 3% - 5% See Phosphorus (P) Sodium (Na) 1% - 4% See Chlorine (Cl) Hydrogen (H)+ 8% - 10% Exchangeable Hydrogen
Other Major Nutrients (anions) Phosphorus (P)- Equal to Potasium (K) as in actual P = actual K P needs highly bio-active soil to keep it available Sulphur (S)- ½ of Phosphorus up to 200ppm Needed for good fungi and amino acids Chlorine (Cl)- 1X to 2X Sodium
Major Minor Elements Iron (Fe)+ Manganese (Mn)+ Zinc (Zn)+ Copper (Cu)+ FE: 100 – 200 ppm Mn: ½ of Ca up to 50 ppm Zn: 1/10 of P up to 50 ppm Cu: ½ of Zinc Fe and Mn are synergistic as are Cu and ZN Boron (B) 1/1000 of Calcium (up to 4ppm) Boron is essential for Calcium utilisation
Major Minor Elements Iron (Fe)+ Manganese (Mn)+ Zinc (Zn)+ Copper (Cu)+ FE: 100 – 200 ppm Mn: ½ of Ca up to 50 ppm Zn: 1/10 of P up to 50 ppm Cu: ½ of Zinc Fe and Mn are synergistic as are Cu and ZN Boron (B) 1/1000 of Calcium (up to 4ppm) Boron is essential for Calcium utilisation
Trace Elements Chromium (Cr)+ Cobalt (Co)+ Iodine (I) - Molybdenum (Mo)+ Selenium (Se)- Tin (Sn)+ Vanadium (V)+ Nickel All of these are essential in small amounts. 1 - 2ppm is enough. (Cobalt 2-10ppm) Some of the trace elements (e.g. Mo, Se) can be toxic to plants and soil organisms in quantities above 2ppm. Take it easy. There are probably 30 or so other elements needed in a perfect soil. They may be found in various soil supplements such as seaweed
Nitrogen · Necessary for formation of amino acids, the building blocks of protein · Essential for plant cell division, vital for plant growth · Directly involved in photosynthesis · Necessary component of vitamins · Aids in production and use of carbohydrates · Affects energy reactions in the plant Deficiencies can reduce yield , cause yellowing of the leaves , stunt growth and stress the plants immune system.
Phosphorus Involved in photosynthesis, respiration, energy storage and transfer, cell division, and enlargement Promotes early root formation and growth Improves quality of produce and water-use efficiency Deficiency symptoms include stunted plant growth, a reduce in yields of fruit and flowers , as well as incorrect or whispy formation of flowers . Too much Phosphorus , can cause problems with the uptake of zinc and other elements
Potassium - K · Carbohydrate metabolism and the break down and translocation of starches Increases photosynthesis and water-use efficiency Essential to protein synthesis and fruit formation Activates and controls enzymes' reaction rates Improves quality of seeds and fruit Increases disease resistance Deficiencies result in low yields, spotty and or curled leaves and a potential scorched or burn look to the leafs
Calcium - Ca Utilized for Continuous cell division and formation Involved in nitrogen metabolism Reduces plant respiration Aids translocation of photosynthesis from leaves to fruiting organs Increases fruit set Essential for nut development in peanuts Stimulates microbial activity Symptoms of deficiencies include black spots on the leaves and potentially fruits
Sulphur - S Integral part of amino acids Helps develop enzymes and vitamins Promotes nodule formation on legumes Aids in seed production Necessary in chlorophyll formation (though it isn’t one of the constituents) Deficiency symptoms include yellowing between the veins of older leaves and drooping leaves
Magnesium - Mg · Key element of chlorophyll production · Improves utilization and mobility of phosphorus · Activator and component of many plant enzymes · Directly related to grass tetany · Increases iron utilization in plants · Influences earliness and uniformity of maturity Deficiency symptoms include yellowing between the veins of older leaves and drooping leaves aswell as other symptoms which are best covered by the chart linked below.
Boron (B) · Essential of germination of pollen grains and growth of pollen tubes Essential for seed and cell wall formation Promotes maturity Necessary for sugar translocation Affects nitrogen and carbohydrate symptoms of deficient plants are death in young leaves, plants can fail to set seed or produce viable pollen , fruit formation is effected , discolored roots , crackled and flecked brown spots on your leafs.
Chlorine Involved in the regulation of movement of water and other solutes into and out of cells Essential for cell division in leaves and in the regulation of opening and closing stomata Involved in photosynthetic transfer of oxygen and nitrogen metabolism Symptoms of issues can include yellowing of the veins in older leaves, wilting of the leaves and stunted root growth. Too much chlorine is very detrimental to plants as with build up it can become a deadly toxin to the plant
Copper - Cu Catalyzes several plant processes Major function in photosynthesis and reproductive stages Indirect role in chlorophyll production Increases sugar content, intensifies colour and improves flavour of fruits and vegetables Symptoms of a copper deficiency include necrosis of new growth tips, stunted growth and leaves may develop black necrosis spots . Copper deficiency can have a huge impact on flower/fruit and seed production.
Iron - Fe Promotes formation of chlorophyll Acts as an oxygen carrier Reactions involving cell division and growth The main symptom of iron deficiency is a yellowing building out from the veins of the leaves. It is probably one of he more common of the micro-nutrient deficiencies though is often caused by pH issues rather than an actual lack of iron provided a full spectrum nutrient is being used or the organic equivalent
Manganese Functions as a part of certain enzyme systems Aids in chlorophyll synthesis Increases the availability of P and CA symptoms of a deficiency can include necrosis spots on leafs and black necrosis of new tips
Zinc - Zn Aids plant growth hormones and enzyme system · Necessary for chlorophyll production · Necessary for carbohydrate formation · Necessary for starch formation · Aids in seed formation Deficiency symptoms can include a reduction in leaf size, white leaf tips and shortened inter- nodes.
Nickel Required for the enzyme urease , which most plants use to break down urea into usable forms of nitrogen also necessary for iron absorption Plants grown without a suitable supply of nickel will gradually reach a deficient level at the time of sexual maturity which will of-course effect any planned reproduction.
Molybdenum Required to form the enzyme "nitrate reductas" which reduces nitrates to ammonium in plant Aids in the formation of legume nodules Needed to convert inorganic phosphates to organic forms in the plant
Sodium Involved in water movement throughout the tissue of the plant incorrect ratios can be very detrimental to the plant if it is allowed to build up.
Cobalt Cobalt: is required for nitrogen fixation and root nodules Essential for the manufacture of the vitamin B12 deficient levels can easily result in nitrogen deficiency.
Silicon improve heat and drought tolerance increase resistance to insects and fungal infections. can help to compensate for toxic levels of manganese, iron, phosphorus and aluminum as well as build a barrier against zinc deficiency . produce stronger, tougher cell walls creating a barrier from mouth of sucking insects .