Picture Key Look at your image With your allocated team, discuss imaginative links to learning. How can this picture lead us to think about how students learn?
Feedback and Introductions Esther Hardman Amie Mercer
Forced Relationships Find a link between you and the people on your table.
Task 1: Open your envelope; instructions are included. Read the task and complete using paper/pens provided if necessary. 10minutes till feedback to the whole group in whatever imaginative way you like! Feel free to use role play, pictures or freeze frames, if you wish.
Groups Group NumberKey OneThe Alphabet TwoThe Variations ThreeThe Ridiculous FourThe Prediction FiveThe Different Uses SixThe Question Key
The Three Key Challenge
REVERSE: “Name 5 things that teachers WOULDN’T wear to school”. Discuss. Reverse Key
BAR: Video – BAR B.A.R. Key (Bigger, Add, Replace)
COMBINATION: Combination Key + = SKORT !
DISADVANTAGES: WE often think about the disadvantages or the negatives without working through them. What are the disadvantages of gravity? What are the disadvantages of classroom teaching? What are the disadvantages of homework? TIP: Colour code to differentiate work. Disadvantages Key
What if? What if you had to use a Thinkers Key in a lesson tomorrow? Which would you use and how?
PDF including explanations and examples on a range of topics: content/uploads/Thinkers_Keys_Version1.pdf content/uploads/Thinkers_Keys_Version1.pdf Just for fun: Tony Ryan Blog and The Ridiculous Key and Mental Exercise: For more information…