Reports from Resource Breakout PRAGMA 15 USM, Malaysia
1 st day VOMS in PRAGMA Grid (60 min) PRAGMA Data Grid (20 min) SCMSWeb (20 min)
VOMS in PRAGMA Grid Clarify motivation Current status of deployment How VOMS will be deployed in PRAGMA Grid? – PRAGMA VO Create a group for each application VO admin manages memberships of all groups (apps) – Cindy? Add one from each group? – VOs for applications Create a VO for each application Each application is independent with each other. Options for resource providers – PRIMA/GUMS (VDT) – LCAS/LCMAPS (gLite) What VO admin should do? Requirements for application users – Just run voms-proxy-init (how to install VOMS client?) How to proceed – Provide more documents – Hands-on tutorial
Status, todo and milestones VOMS server and a PRAGMA VO are ready. Existing groups – Avian Flu Wilfred – Nimrod Blair – PRAGMA Cindy – PRIME Cindy – e-AIRs (will be created) Current VOMS-aware resource – Tested with BeST Grid Add more VOMS-aware resources – Requirements PRIMA/GUMS, gsissh – Cindy will check the documentation. – Instructions for single-user account Should be included in Vlads document – AIST, SDSC, Zulich, iHPC, By Christmas
PRAGMA Data Grid Testbed Metadata server File system nodes in US in Japan % gfdf 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity Host % % % Total Capaity : 2.9 TBytes Courtesy of Tatebe-san
PRAGMA Data Grid Testbed: todo Ask Wilfred to run Avian Flu on DATA Grid Testbed. How the other new applications will use Gfarm? – Client package must be installed on compute nodes to mount file systems. – Are there documents? Included in Gfarm package PRAGMA Wiki. Look for more applications! – Approximately 3TB storage is waiting your proposal!!
2 nd day A special talk and reports from PRAGMA applications (60 min) – Introduction of A*STAR Digital Nervous System (Foo Yong Siang, iHPC) – e-AIRs (JongBae Moon, KISTI) Showed a chart of PRAGMA resources. Should be put on the application wiki page. Will discuss about issuing certificates for students. – Phaser (David Abramson, Monash U.) Interoperation between 5 Grids. – APAC, OSG, Enterprise, FermiGrid, PRAGMA Identified five categories where they had problems – Access&Security, Resource Discovery, Usage guidelines/AUPs – Application compatibility, Middleware compatibility Open Discussions : Future direction of PRAGMA Grid (30 min) – Theme: How make it easier for all players (esp. Cindy) – Virtualization, VOMS, Portals, etc. – Supporting GEO/Tele applications
Future Direction of PRAGMA Grid PRAGMA Grid is growing, but what should the future direction be? We have decided to use VOMS for reducing administrative costs. Should be more application driven. How to differentiate with the other Grid? How do we support non-computing-intensive apps? – PRAGMA Data Grid Testbed Applications? – Can we support Tele/GEO apps? If yes, how? – Streaming apps (e.g. remote presentation) Virtualization? GT4.2 Others?