Etec 527- Final Instructional Unit Project Meshayla Campbell
What is Glogster is a virtual poster board. It allows you to make interactive online posters that can include text, videos, images, audio, and graphics. Glogster gives the user the opportunity to individualize their background, text boxes, image frames, and text style. It also allows the user to add hyperlinks to other sites. The end result of the glog can be shared with others as a presentation piece. This could be used by teachers/presenters and also as a project for an assignment. This could be used by students of all ages, although younger students grades pre-k through 2nd grade may need more assistance at first, but will catch on quickly once instructed!
The student will be able to use a digital camera to take pictures and download the document to his or her document file. The student will be able to complete an “All about me” worksheet that sives the student information about him/herself. The student will be able to create a Glogster using their “All About Me” worksheet. The site will include a picture, graphics, and text.
Intended Audience Subject: Computer Technology/Literacy
Digital Camera Digital Camera Glogster Glogster “All About Me Worksheet” “All About Me Worksheet” Rubric Rubric Materials Used
The student will be able to use a digital camera to take pictures and download the document to his or her document file. The student will be able to complete an “All about me” worksheet that sives the student information about him/herself. The student will be able to create a Glogster using their “All About Me” worksheet. The site will include a picture, graphics, and text.
Review/Teach the use of digital camera and instruct students to take a picture of themselves in the school environment. Review/teach students how to upload the picture to their individual files. Complete the “All About Me” worksheet to gather needed information for the Glogster presentation. Show students how to get into heir individual Glogster accounts. Have them write their code names down in their computer files. Introduce how to use Glogster, showing students how to create the wall page, download their picture, frame the picture, add graphics, add text, add a link to the favorite webpage, add music (if able), and add video (if able). Stress the use of appearance (color choices, text choices, and balance). Review rubric for what will be evaluated on Glogster.
It is important to cover the basics of using a digital camera with your students because many of them may not be familiar or know how to properly use this technology. Say Cheese!
All About Me Students will complete this graphic organizer worksheet before creating their Glogster.