Y OUR C OMPANY Your company tagline here. Your logo here
2 W HAT, H OW AND W HY ? What? How? Why? What is the problem that exists that you are addressing? How does your solution fix the problem? What’s your secret sauce? Why you? Why should the investor be part of it?
3 T HE S OLUTION N AME OF Y OUR P RODUCT HERE Product Name: Description: How are you solving the problem: Product Name: Description: How are you solving the problem:
4 T HE T EAM E XPLAIN WHY YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TEAM Notes: Add logos of companies that you or your team have worked before or collaborate Highlight members that “have been there, done that” Who does what? – roles and responsibilities Include advisors and investors already supporting you.
T HE M ARKET O PPORTUNITY 5 Notes: Do reference the sources of your information Do use graphs and charts to show your understanding of the market Don’t alter the numbers, investor’s know how the market is performing Don’t use hard to read/complex charts. Easier and simpler is better Show how the market is performing and how you fit inside the market
R EVENUE M ODEL 6 - Explain your revenue model here - Your one-liner statement can be something like: “We are not generating money right now, we are acquiring X users per Y time. Once that we get to N users we will do $$$$” Note: Not having/making money is not a problem. Not having a plan to make, is unacceptable
FINANCE Finance (to date and 3 yrs projected balance sheet) Exit Strategy Acquisition (name potential companies, and why) Financial Buyer IPO Reverse Merger 7
8 T HE A SK C ALL TO A CTION We need X$ for (activity: r&d, production, market research,) throughout the next nnn months/years ROI: X% in Y time Note: Be clear with “call to action” How much money you need? How you will spend it? Churn rate For what you need it? Be specific What are your goals before the next round of valuation? Be ready to answer : What will you do if you don’t get funded by what time? What’s your Plan B, C…?
9 C ONTACT I NFO Your logo here T HANK Y OU !