Piracy is robbery committed at sea, or sometimes on the shore, by an agent without a commission from a sovereign nation. is robbery committed at sea, or sometimes on the shore, by an agent without a commission from a sovereign nation.robberycommission sovereignnationrobberycommission sovereignnation
The Golden Age of Piracy Mid 18 th century to early 19 th century Mid 18 th century to early 19 th century Many of the historical pirates we know of were not as villainous as they have been portrayed. In fact, many were invaluable to the United States as an emerging world power. Many of the historical pirates we know of were not as villainous as they have been portrayed. In fact, many were invaluable to the United States as an emerging world power. Before we go there—words you need to know… Before we go there—words you need to know…
Bunccaneer- Buccaneer is a term that was used in the later 17th century in the Caribbean Islands to refer to pirates who attacked Spanish shipping. Buccaneer is a term that was used in the later 17th century in the Caribbean Islands to refer to pirates who attacked Spanish shipping. 17th centuryCaribbean Islands 17th centuryCaribbean Islands
Privateer- A privateer was a private warship authorized by a country's government by letters of marque to attack foreign shipping. Strictly, a privateer was only entitled to attack enemy vessels during wartime. However, states often encouraged attacks on opposing powers while at peace, or on neutral vessels during time of war, blurring the line between privateering and piracy. A privateer was a private warship authorized by a country's government by letters of marque to attack foreign shipping. Strictly, a privateer was only entitled to attack enemy vessels during wartime. However, states often encouraged attacks on opposing powers while at peace, or on neutral vessels during time of war, blurring the line between privateering and piracy.governmentletters of marquepiracygovernmentletters of marquepiracy
Infamous Pirate Hangout #1~ Port Royal, Jamaica The buccaneers helped England secure Jamaica as it’s own, about The buccaneers helped England secure Jamaica as it’s own, about The first governor was empowered to issue privateering commissions, and the English buccaneers were welcomed into the port. Later, this place became known as the “wickedest city in the world.” The first governor was empowered to issue privateering commissions, and the English buccaneers were welcomed into the port. Later, this place became known as the “wickedest city in the world.” Port Royal was home base for many pirates and privateers. Port Royal was home base for many pirates and privateers.
Infamous Pirate Hangout #2~ Tortuga Infamous Pirate Hangout #2~ Tortuga Tortuga was uninhabited in the 1600’s, but Spain claimed ownership since it was near Haiti. Tortuga was uninhabited in the 1600’s, but Spain claimed ownership since it was near Haiti. In 1630, some English buccaneers, who had escaped Barbados along with various other Europeans, fled to Hispaniola and then to Tortuga. In 1630, some English buccaneers, who had escaped Barbados along with various other Europeans, fled to Hispaniola and then to Tortuga. This little island became the scene of the most drunken and depraved behavior known at the time. And the pirates loved it! This little island became the scene of the most drunken and depraved behavior known at the time. And the pirates loved it!
On to the pirates and privateers-
Sir Henry Morgan Plays by the rules until he doesn’t have to anymore Plays by the rules until he doesn’t have to anymore Captured Panama Captured Panama “the greatest and cruelest of the Brethren of the Coast”. “the greatest and cruelest of the Brethren of the Coast”.
Calico Jack Rackham calico fabric shirts calico fabric shirts small-time pirate. small-time pirate. 2 chicks in hiding 2 chicks in hiding 1 wicked flag 1 wicked flag No torture for this guy No torture for this guy Bad end Bad end
The scoop on Anne Bonny A scandalous start A scandalous start Married… Married… changed her mind Cross dressing Cross dressing Mysterious end Mysterious end
Mary Read Another scandalous start Another scandalous start Cross dressing for cash Cross dressing for cash Killing in the name of love Killing in the name of love
Blackbeard (Edward Teach) was the most notorious of the pirates of the Caribbean. was the most notorious of the pirates of the Caribbean. Queen Anne’s Revenge. Queen Anne’s Revenge. My beard’s on fire! My beard’s on fire! held the town to ransom. held the town to ransom.
Grace O’Malley Irish Irish There’s about to be a girl fight There’s about to be a girl fight Hell hath no fury Hell hath no fury Having a baby = no problem Having a baby = no problem
The Jamestown Connection
Captain Christopher Newport commanded the ship the Susan Constant to Jamestown. commanded the ship the Susan Constant to Jamestown. an English privateer contracted by James I to conduct raids on Spanish ships returning from Central and South America. an English privateer contracted by James I to conduct raids on Spanish ships returning from Central and South America. The Lost Colony (Roanoke) was supposed to be a privateering base for England. The Lost Colony (Roanoke) was supposed to be a privateering base for England. Newport was the most notorious privateer of the time! Newport was the most notorious privateer of the time!
Cool pirate books- Patrick Pringle, Jolly Roger Patrick Pringle, Jolly Roger Hoppe, Pirates, Buccaneers and Gentlemen Adventurers Captain Hoppe, Pirates, Buccaneers and Gentlemen Adventurers Captain Charles Johnson's A General History of the Pyrates Charles Johnson's A General History of the Pyrates Charles JohnsonA General History of the Pyrates Charles JohnsonA General History of the Pyrates Chambers, Eyewitness Pirate Chambers, Eyewitness Pirate Druett, Joan She Captains: Heroines and Hellions of the Sea. Druett, Joan She Captains: Heroines and Hellions of the Sea. Druett, Joan Druett, Joan
Anne Bonny,Tale of a Lady Pirate by Robert Q. Hoyt Anne Bonny,Tale of a Lady Pirate by Robert Q. Hoyt Pirate Spirit: The Adventures of Anne Bonny by Jeffrey Williams Pirate Spirit: The Adventures of Anne Bonny by Jeffrey Williams Webcomic: Sea Monsters Webcomic: Sea Monsters Outrageous Women of the Renaissance by Vicki Leon Chambers, Anne. "Ireland's Pirate Queen: The True Story of Grace O'Malley." Chambers, Anne. "Ireland's Pirate Queen: The True Story of Grace O'Malley." Cook, Judith Pirate Queen, the life of Grace O'Malley Cook, Judith Pirate Queen, the life of Grace O'Malley