National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Meta-scheduler based on advanced reservation Grid Technology Research Center, AIST Atsuko Takefusa, Hidemoto Nakada, Yoshio Tanaka
What we have done. Design and implementation of scheduling API for advanced reservation Done for TORQUE. For SGE soon. Design and implementation of the scheduling interface to superscheduler Based on WSRF Use GT4 for authentication Enable job submission specifying reservation ID.
Commands for reservation pbs_reserve request reservation input: start time, end time, #nodes. output: reservation ID pbs_rsvcancel cancel reservation input: reservation ID pbs_rsvstatus retrieve information about the reservation input: reservation ID output: status pbs_rsvmodify modify the reservation input: reservation ID, start time, end time, #nodes.
Scenario Reservation > pbs_reserve –s 12:00 –e 14:00 –n 1 Reserve succeeded: reservation id is 14 Confirmation > pbs_rsvstatus id owner start end duration state 14 nakada Feb 20 12:00 Feb 20 14:00 2h00m Confirmed Job submission > qsub –W x=rsvid:14 script
Reservation interface by WSRF Factory Service Create reservation services CreatePBSReservation Specify start time, duration, #nodes. Returns an EPR for the reservation service. Reservation service reserve: Reserve getStatus: Updates reservation information in resource property. cancel: Cancel a reservation modify: Modify a reservation getResourceProperty: Obtain the status of reservation.
Reservation interface by WSRF (contd) GT4 Container Scheduler module FactoryReservation Commands for reservation create reserve Reservation Information getResourceProperty
How reservation co-exist with FCFS? Even if some nodes are reserved, these nodes should be utilized by the other jobs until the reservation time will be arrived. What happens for the jobs if the reservation time has been arrived? killed? suspended?