BACKGROUND The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Park(GLTP) was established in December 2002, through the signing of the International Treaty by the Govts. of Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. This treaty also made provision for establishment of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (GLTFCA). GLTP comprises of the Limpopo National Park in Mozambique, the KNP Park and the Makuleke region in S.A, Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe.
GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE 1. Ministerial Committee comprising the Ministers of the three participating countries- the decision making body. 2. The Joint Management Board, represented by members of the three countries- report to and serve as Advisory body to the Ministers and responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of programs and projects aimed at furthering the intention of the treaty. It also had decision making powers on operational matters. 3.Four technical committees -to focus on specific key development areas of the GLTFCA viz: Conservation and Veterinary, Tourism, Finance and Human Resources, Safety & Security NB: Communities represented by country representatives
Key initiatives planned which would also realize benefits to communities: - Establishment of the GLTFCA coordination office-to facilitate development initiatives - Establishment of the tourist access facility between KNP and LPN -Consolidation of the GLTP through creation of a link between KNP and Gonarhezou NP -Establishment of joint GLTFCA fund to support implementation and sustainability of GLTFCA projects -Integrated cross border tourism development -Restocking of game into Limpopo National Park DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES
PROGRESS MADE Game translocated to LNP Giriyondo tourist access facility established between KNP and LNP Few plans developed- integrated tourism plan, integrated business and development plan, Pafuri land use plan
GLTFCA coordinating office not established – insufficient funds No agreement could be reached ( until recent ) between S.A and Zimbabwe on the location of the tourist access facility ( security issues, land claim on S.A side, tourism access v/s commercial use of facility, perceived community benefits ) GLTP fund not yet established – differences in pricing structures at tourist entrance facilities Cross border tourism products not yet established Momentum lost due to lack of coordinating office Community involvement minimal, benefits flow
SANParks TFCA Unit- interim GLTFCA coordinating office - Better appreciation of challenges, renewed committed to the success of the GLTFCA - Agreement reached on the location of the tourist access facility between KNP and Gonarhezou - Communities on both Zimbabwe and South African sides consulted - Site located in the community area -Joint tourism products are being explored( 4x 4 trails etc. ) - to benefit local communities - as well. -Pricing structures are being aligned for establishment of the GLTP fund. -Partnerships are developed with stakeholders for implementation of the GLTFCA program CURRENT SITUATION
LIMPOPO TRANSBOUNDARY PROGRAM: - A three year GLTFCA support program funded by the Italian Development corporation and implemented through IUCN, with CESVI appointed as an implementing agency. - Facilitate development of sustainable land and natural resource use in the targeted communal areas of the GLTFCA ( Pafuri triangle ) - Implement selected priority natural resource management projects in the three countries - Examine policy frameworks for transfrontier natural resource management and facilitate the development of enabling policies
LIMPOPO TRANSBOUNDARY AREA -- Dry area- Limpopo river the major source of water- management of this resource between countries a challenge, communities have limited access to the resource and for their livestock - Communities have limited access to natural resources - Have lot in common, movement and relations restricted by the international borders - Livestock movements and trade not permitted across borders - Livestock and crop losses due to wildlife from national parks
TRANSBOUNDARY PROGRAM - Allocated funds to each country to implement cross boundary sustainable livelihoods projects. - Management structure : Program implementation office, Cross border community forum, national stakeholder forum and regional stakeholder forum. - Three key projects identified through these structures: Livestock improvement, crop production and diversification and tourism development
REGIONAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT: EXPEDITION LINKING GLTFCA WITH GMTFCA - To facilitate development in the area - Provide a platform for joint transfrontier planning - Identify and deal with existing and potential constraints at border posts and other areas - Identify tourism attractions - Document historical and social significance of the area - Identify 4 x4 trails - Develop guide book - Involve communities through identification of facilities that will be of benefit to tourists and use by communities
POLICY HARMONISATION - Review and harmonize policy issues hindering successful development and management of the GLTFCA ( security issues, immigration, patrols, dealing with poaching challenges etc) - Improving communication amongst Park officials in the TFCA through radio communication system -Provision of identification cards to Field rangers for patrols -Local communities will be defined and issued with form of identification different from normal tourists to facilitate their movement across the border
DEVELOPMENT OF THE S.A COMPONENT OF THE GLTFCA - Development of conservation and tourism initiatives with communities bordering KNP - GLTFCA to facilite community development - Makuya community reserve: fence dropped between the reserve and KNP – wildlife movement and tourism development - - Inclusion of communal land into KNP ( Ngungunyani community trust) - Land use rights vis-à-vis land ownership issues being addressed
CHALLENGES - Managing the complex process of developing the GLTFCA - Building trust among participants - Trade offs - Financial commitment from countries - Member countries participation in the GLTFCA process ( continuity in country representation, regular attendance of meetings etc) - Alignment of policies between countries to achieve GLTFCA objectives - Engagement between government departments to facilitate community participation in the TFCA (KNP- communal land inclusion) - Managing community expectations - Escalating costs of infrastructure development ( Limpopo crossing point- costs escalated three fold )
OPPORTUNITIES - Similar management challenges provide opportunity for collaboration and better management of GLTFCA - Communities want to participate - Experience, knowledge and skills of participants - Popular tourist destination- opportunity for tourism growth - Potential to raise funds for management of the GLTFCA - Diverse natural resources in the GLTFCA - Stakeholder participation ( transboundary project) - Government support