WLE Greater Mekong project: Capacity building and professional development for inclusive governance and water and ecosystem services management of the Ayeyarwady River Basin Launch of Inception Workshop Yangon, 16 March 2015
Why are we here together? Water is high on agenda in Myanmar Integrated approaches are needed, but also a challenge Capacity development efforts are starting up, still there are large needs, like: – Awareness raising – Strengthening organisations and human capacities – Coordination and cooperation – Strengthening educational system How do we address these challenges in an adequate and sustainable manner? What can be the role of the WLE project in strengthening current efforts?
What is river basin management? Create awareness on river basin issues Facilitate dialogue amongst key stakeholders Provide advice to decision-makers, make basin plans Provide technical guidance, basin-wide understanding of the natural system, development opportunities and impacts Monitor the river system Etc ….
What is river basin management? Create awareness on river basin issues Facilitate dialogue amongst key stakeholders Provide advice to decision-makers, make basin plans Provide technical guidance, basin-wide understanding of the natural system, development opportunities and impacts Monitor the river system Etc …. Requires capacity at all levels: 1.Civil society 2.Legal, institutional framework 3.Organisations 4.Individuals
The WLE capacity building and professional development project Modest (but powerful) contribution to address these capacity building needs. Focus at WLE management at basin scale, incl. inclusiveness and gender. Locally embed activities and seek linkage to ongoing / planned initiatives. Make capacity building part of professional development (pilot). Project duration: January December 2017 Project budget: USD
4 inter-related project components
1. Ayeyarwady WLE fellowship programme Aim: Build a group of young experts to contribute to Ayeyarwady river basin management. Create common WLE understanding to support cooperation. Active learning including coached project work. Start first batch October 2015 (15 part.)
1. Ayeyarwady WLE fellowship programme
2. WLE policy engagement at State level Aim: Strengthen State level stakeholders to actively participate in river basin management discussions. Training on listening, presenting, cooperation, debating skills for key WLE research-policy issues. Applying skills in coached project work and events. First batch in 2016 (15 part.).
3. Strengthening Myanmar organisations Aim: Strengthen participating Myanmar organisations through joint implementation. Different approaches: – Training of staff (e.g. Fellowship programme) – Pilot to make training explicit part of staff’s professional development – Institutional embedding of Fellowship programme, incl. quality assurance. – Use of curriculum in University training and education – Etc..
4. Networking and communication Aim: Support communication and networking between Ayeyarwady key stakeholders. Active participation in Ayeyarwady river basin / national events. Facilitate cross-basin sharing and learning thru regional WLE events. Project communicates to different audiences (reports, movies and webstories, etc..)
4 inter-related project components
Anticipated outcomes in 3 years Stronger contribution key stakeholders in Ayeyarwady basin management and governance, in particular young staff and women. Stronger participation of State level stakeholders in basin management discussions. An institutionalized WLE fellowship programme. Improved communication and networking between Ayeyarwady key stakeholders.
Do you join?
Information and discussion in smaller groups Get to know the programme better Meet other people interested in this subject Meet contact persons who coordinate these efforts Think about how you or your organisation could benefit from the project, what would make the project more attractive, and how you want to be involved?
Information and discussion in smaller groups Group 1. Ayeyarwady WLE fellowship programme Group 2. Ayeyarwady policy engagement Group 3. Ayeyarwady networking and communication 45 minute discussion Joint lunch after the working groups Output of the groups is displayed during / after lunch Kindly fill-out the Response card at end of morning
Thanks Enjoy the working groups