PRAGMA Update 21 October 2005 Hyderabad
PRAGMAs Founding Motivations – Updated 2005 The grid is transforming e-science: computing, data *, and collaboration The problem remains that the grid is too hard to use on a routine basis Middleware software and people need to interoperate Science is an intrinsically global activity
Key Attributes of PRAGMA Successes (Intangible but Critical) Constructed conduit of technology, ideas, information, people –Multi-directional flow among institutions and communities of software, approaches Developed framework for collaboration –Foundation for continued and greater work Built trust among members –Interoperability is essential among people –Sharing (resources, ideas, people) resulted Results: many unplanned, tangible successes
People Lead for the Biological Sciences Working Group –Karpjoo Jeong, Konkuk University More education, other jobs and skills –Cheyenne Chen, NLAR –Teri Simas, Import - Export –Jeehyun Suh, Edinburgh –Tomomi Takao, Mother –Grace Shau-Wei Hong, LSE
Highlighted Successes Unanticipated SARS: Grid Community Pulls together to Battle SARS GLEON: Launching a new community effort –Building on EcoGrid in Taiwan Expanding Reach of Projects –Optiputer; NEESit; iGEON; IVOA PRIME: Creating opportunities for undergraduate students –Reciprocal Projects from Jilin PRIUS: Osaka University, international internships and PRAGMA Classes KRocks: Localization of Rocks in Korea Successes that happened because PRAGMA exists
Typhoon Yuan Yang Lake, Taiwan – August 2004 Part of a growing global lake observatory network - An example of episodic events and threshold dynamics Access can be difficult during the most interesting times Photo by Peter Arzberger, October 2004 Used by NSF Director Feb 2005
PRIME 2005 – Presentations at iGRID 2005 Phylogeny Determined by Incomplete Protein Domain Content, I.Lee, CNIC A visualization of network measurements, J.Lee, CNIC Deployment and Extension of JuxtaView for the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment, C.Cheung, NCHC Developing the Interface between PDA and Sensors, O Langman, NCHC* (from U Wisconsin) Visualizing internet connectivity using Cytoscape, S.Lee, NCHC Extending EcoGrid Capability, D.Leu, NCHC* BOINC as a Nimrod Resource for Quantum Chemistry, J.Hwang, Monash Computational Grid Tools for Protein-Ligand Docking Studies, L Berstis, Monash Modeling Cardiac Rhythm Alternation, J.Nevo, Monash SNPs, Protein Structure and Disease, D.Bitton, Monash Computational Cardiac Modeling, D.Dederko, Monash The Development of A Querying System for Structured Metadata in a Datagrid Environment, J.Chen, Osaka Visualization Tools for Bio-molecular Simulation, C.Liang, Osaka A Bio-molecular Simulation Portal, E.Wang, Osaka
PRIUS: Pacific Rim International UniverSities 12 Oct 05 Exchange Lectures
Highlighted Successes - Anticipated Telescience: Sharing and Contributing Technology Multi-way Dissemination and Integration of Software: –Ninf-G into NMI (and Naregi CA) –iGAP/Gfarm, GAMESS/Nimrod –Rocks Rolls of SCE, Gfarm, Ninf-g Creation of Laboratory for Routine Use Experiments –Grew from 8 sites to 19 sites; Multiple, persistent experiments –Use and co-development of SCMSWeb and other software in PRAGMA (e.g. CICESE porting SCMSWeb to solaris system) and use of MOGAS (Grid Acct System – from PRAGMA 8) –Active dissemination of iNLANR AMP network –Joint paper (Resource Working Group rose to challenge) Issues and Methods for Building a Multi-Application International Grid Resource Assisted in RPC standards at GGF, and launching of International Grid Trust Federation Outcomes through on-going meetings
PRAGMA Grid Testbed AIST, Japan CNIC, China KISTI, Korea ASCC, Taiwan NCHC, Taiwan UoHyd, India MU, Australia BII, Singapore KU, Thailand USM, Malaysia NCSA, USA SDSC, USA CICESE, Mexico UNAM, Mexico UChile, Chile TITECH, Japan UMC, USA UZurich, Switzerland GUCAS, China
Steering Committee Agenda Review application for membership by College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University Review proposals to host future PRAGMA meetings –Osaka University: Feedback to PRAGMA Nurturing In conjunction with PRIUS –NCSA: PRAGMA Engagements in Cyberenvironments Possible collocation with ACM or IEE –NCHC: Living Grids Possibly with GGF, Lakes (GLEON)/Coral Reefs, Taiwan grid –NECTEC and KU: Advancing Collaborations with ThaiGrid Discuss issue of members who no longer participate Dissemination: –Brochure - finalize –SC05 (reception hosted by PNWGP on Wed 16 Nov; demos) –Other meetings or venues for PRAGMA PRAGMA renewal to NSF –Themes, Key Activities, Rationale for future funding, Role in global community PRAGMA 10 Townsville Mar 06
PRAGMA: Collaborative Overview Points of Contact Table of Content Overview of last years progress Accomplishments PRIME and PRIUS Working Groups Institutional Members Publications Past and future meetings Picture from PRAGMA 9 on cover ?
2005 Accomplishments iGRID 2005 (18 or 49 demos by PRAGMA members) GLEON Computational Chemistry iGAP-Gfarm (active collaboration – many institutions) Testbed and GOC International AMP mesh – all testbed sites Multi-way software dissemination –E.g. NinfG and NMI
pragma Establish sustained collaborations and Advance the use of the grid technologies for applications among a community of investigators working with leading institutions around the Pacific Rim Overarching Goals PRAGMA Working closely with established activities that promote grid activities or the underlying infrastructure, both in the Pacific Rim and globally.
PRAGMA at iGRID of 49 demos 13 Institutions –APAC: Australia Partnership for Advanced Computing –CMC: Cybermedia Center, Osaka –CNIC, CAS: Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences –GTRC/AIST: Grid Technology Research Center, National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology –KISTI: Korea Institute for Science and Technology Information –NCHC: National Center for High-performance Computing –NCSA: National Center for Supercomputing Applications –PNWGP: Pacific Northwest Gigapop –Starlight –Titech: Tokyo Institute of Technology –UCSD and Calit2: University of California and California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology –CICESE: Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada –WestGrid: Western Canada Research Grid
PRAGMA at SC05 Many Members Present –Booths (10): AIST, CCS/Tsukuba, CMC/Osaka, KISTI, NCHC, NCSA, PNWGP, SDSC, UCSD, NBCR (NIH) –Others (3): Monash, Starlight, TransPAC Joint Presentation at NCHC stage –Wed 14 Nov, 3 – 5 pm Other PRAGMA presentations –NCHC Booth Thursday 10 to 11 am –NCSA Booth Tuesday 2:30 pm –SDSC Stage: TBD Pacific Northwest Gigapop: –Host PRAGMA reception on Wed 16 November
List of Demonstration Long-run of the Hybrid QM/MD simulation on the PRAGMA Grid Testbed, AIST Gfarm Grid file system, AIST High-performance KEKB/Belle data analysis using Gfarm file system, AIST Bioinformatics applications inside Gfarm using metaschedulers and local batch schedulers, KISTI NCHC's Grid Portal, NCHC NCHC's Flood Mitigation Grid, NCHC CFD Portal on e-Science Environment, NCHC iGRID, Gfarm, SDSC, AIST High bandwidth application over a dedicated high-bandwidth, long-pathway circuit, PNWGP, Pacific Wave, EVL, others High-definition video conference including groups from Japan, Korea, Australia, Canada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, PNWGP and others High-definition video production including video/audio capture; distribution to Storage Resource Broker (SRB) locations; and real-time collaborative editing, PNWGP and others OptIPuter, UCSD Telescience, NCRR
Renewal – The Next 5 Years Develop and deepen collaborations in the specific application areas –Building off of PRAGMA Working Groups –Adding Geosciences (GEON) and perhaps other applications Enhance and expand our routine use application grid laboratory and a grid operation center –Continue testing long-term runs, multiple applications (unique non- discipline specific grass roots grid) –Extend GOC –Look at how to incorporate OptIPuter technology (optical networks) –Incorporate testing data proximity to compute platforms Create multi-way software dissemination pathways –Extend Rocks Rolls to other middleware –Extend NMI/Ninf-G experience to other middleware Strengthen the conduit for the exchange and the framework for collaboration –Workshops, Brochures, New members –Unexpected new successes (e.g. Other PRIUS) Finalize this by 10 December – Request your input and assistance
Welcome to PRAGMA 9 20 – 23 October 2005 University of Hyderabad Expect the unexpected Lonely Planet