New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Education Survey Preliminary Results Prepared for the New Jersey State Board of Education October 18, 2006 C ypress.


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Presentation transcript:

New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Education Survey Preliminary Results Prepared for the New Jersey State Board of Education October 18, 2006 C ypress R esearch G roup Chagrin Boulevard, Beachwood OH (216) New Jersey Arts Education Census Project Partners New Jersey Department of Education New Jersey State Council on the Arts Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Playwrights Theatre of New Jersey Music for All, Inc.

2 Levels of School Participation in Survey ………………………………….3 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards…………………………..4 Alignment with NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards………………….5 Arts Classes Offered, by School Types: % of Schools With at Least One Arts Class Offered in Each Discipline………………….6 Classes Offered, by School Types: % of Schools With at Least One Arts Class Offered in 1, 2, 3 or All 4 Disciplines……………..7 Proportion of NJ Students Who Receive Instruction in Each Arts Discipline……………………………………………………...8 Graduation Requirements…………………………………………………..9 Number of Schools With at Least One Full Time Teacher Providing Arts Instruction………………………………………….10 Percentage of Schools Which Use Certified Arts Specialists to Teach Art (if Offered), by Discipline and by Grade ……………11-12 Average Weekly Amounts of Instruction, by Discipline and by Grade …………………………………………………………...13 Professional Development………………………………………………… Exhibition, Performance or Arts Events Field Trips……………………….16 Barriers to Student Travel to Exhibition, Performance or Arts Events Field Trips…………………………………………………..17 Professional Exhibitions or Performance in School Buildings…………….18 Table of Contents

3 Levels of School Participation (n=2,367) The goal was to achieve a 100% participation rate, which this study very nearly achieved Of the 2,408 schools targeted for participation - 2,367 schools (all but 41) successfully completed the questionnaire(s) 98.3% response rate All 21 counties and all school districts in New Jersey had schools strongly represented in this study % of school districts reported complete A total of 1,267,601 New Jersey Public school students were represented by this study Participating Schools & School Districts

4 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards Visual and Performing Arts (Adopted October 2004) Identifies essential core learning in the arts: defined as Dance, Music, Theater and Visual Art. Expects all students to achieve basic literacy in the four art disciplines by grade 6 & communicate proficiently in one by high school graduation (course selection is driven by student choice in grades 7-12). Expects districts to provide opportunities for learning in ALL four arts content areas using sequential instruction. Requires 5 credits in Visual & Performing Arts for HS graduation.

5 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Proportion of NJ Public Schools Q3b: In what year was the arts education curriculum updated to align with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards in the arts and adopted by the local school board? Alignment with NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards % Yes At the time of data collection, 81% of schools had an updated and aligned curriculum. 19% of schools have NOT updated or aligned curriculum. 2004: Visual and Performance Arts Standards revised by State

6 Classes Offered, by School Types (n=2,367) Percentage of Schools with at Least One Arts Class Offered in Each Discipline Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Q1a1: Total number of classes offered in each arts area. Does not include non-arts classes that have an arts component. Includes all classes that meet at least the equivalent of 36 days. Most schools of any age group have at least one arts class offered in music and/or visual arts. Schools are less likely to offer theater and dance classes. Proportion of NJ Public Schools

7 Classes Offered, by School Types (n=2,367) Percentage of Schools with at Least One Arts Class Offered in One, Two, Three or All Four Disciplines Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Q1a1: Total number of classes offered in each arts area. Does not include non-arts classes that have an arts component. Includes all classes that meet at least the equivalent of 36 days. Most schools do NOT offer all four arts disciplines.

8 Students Who Receive Arts Instruction, by School Types (n=2,367) Proportion of NJ Students Who Receive Instruction in…… Summed Totals for All Schools Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Q1a3: The total number of students who received instruction in this arts area, whether elective or required during 2005/2006 (non- duplicated count). Proportion of Summed NJ Public School Students 77,075, or 6%, NJ public school students have no access to arts instruction.

9 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Proportion of NJ Public High Schools Q3d: (High School Only) What are the local graduation requirements (credits) for the arts? Graduation Requirements 83% of high schools meet or exceed the high school graduation requirements. 17% do NOT.

10 Number of Schools with at Least One Full-Time Teacher Providing Arts Instruction Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Proportion of NJ Public Schools Q1a5: Total number of teachers (Full-Time Equivalent) who provide instruction in each arts area whether elective or required during (non-duplicated count). Teachers Providing Arts Instruction, by School Types (n=2,367)

11 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Q1b: Class offerings. Report how each arts discipline is offered in each grade: delivered by an Elementary Teacher, Certified Arts Specialist, Physical Education Teacher (dance), as part of Language Arts Literacy (theater), or by a Visiting Artist. Percentage of Schools Which Use Certified Arts Specialists to Teach Art (if Offered), by Discipline and by Grade Certified Arts Specialists are the primary provider of instruction for both the Music and Visual Arts disciplines across all grades. oOver 95% for ALL Elementary grades (including specialized areas such as band, orchestra, and chorus). oOver 95% for Middle and High School grades.

12 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Q1b: Class offerings. Report how each arts discipline is offered in each grade: delivered by an Elementary Teacher, Certified Arts Specialist, Physical Education Teacher (dance), as part of Language Arts Literacy (theater), or by a Visiting Artist. Percentage of Schools Which Use Certified Arts Specialists to Teach Art (if Offered), by Discipline and by Grade (continued) Proportion of NJ Public Elementary Schools Schools are much less likely to have Certified Arts Specialists (at every grade level) teaching Dance or Theater. Schools Which Provide Instruction in These Disciplines

13 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Number of Minutes Q1c: Number of hours per year instruction that is provided for all students. Average Weekly Amounts of Instruction, by Discipline and by Grade Of Those that Offer at Least Some Instruction Median Scores, Expressed in Minutes per Week (40 minutes is a typical instructional period)

14 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Proportion of NJ Public Schools Q4b: In the past year, did school/district offer any of the following professional development activities in the arts? Professional Development Elementary Schools 18% of elementary schools have no professional development activities in the arts.

15 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Q4b: In the past year, did school/district offer any of the following professional development activities in the arts? Professional Development Middle/High Schools Proportion of NJ Public Schools 23% of middle/high schools have no professional development activities in the arts.

16 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Proportion of NJ Public Schools Q5a1: As a part of a school-sponsored function, which of the following have students traveled outside of the building for … in the past three years? Community Resources Exhibition, Performance or Arts Events Field Trips At Least Once in Past Three Years 89% of ALL schools offered at least one of these experiences to students.

17 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Proportion of NJ Public Schools Q5a2: If students have not traveled outside the building for an exhibition, performance or event, what have been the barriers? Barriers to Student Travel to Exhibition, Performance or Arts Events Field Trips Community Resources

18 Level of Arts Education in New Jersey Schools Proportion of NJ Public Schools Q5b: Which of the following outside groups or individuals (other than an artist-in-residence) performed/exhibited for students at the school in the past three years? Community Resources Professional Exhibitions or Performance in School Buildings at Least Once in Past Three Years 88% of ALL schools offered at least one of these experiences to students.

About This Presentation This presentation represents the preliminary summary of the New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Education Survey prepared for the New Jersey State Board of Education on October 18, The complete, comprehensive report with detailed analysis will be released in December. Please direct questions, requests, or press inquiries to: Robert Morrison Music for All, Inc About This Project The New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts Education Survey is part of the New Jersey Arts Education Census Project. The New Jersey Arts Education Census Project is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional funding has been generously provided by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, NAMM - International Music Products Association, The D'Addario Foundation for the Performing Arts, David Bryan of Bon Jovi, and the Music for All Foundation.