to Ms. Avallone’s Fourth Grade Class Please find your child’s desk; we will begin shortly!
EDUCATION:Masters of Science in Elementary Curriculum SUNY Brockport Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Health Science SUNY Brockport
Teaching Experience Greece Central School District –First Grade and Fourth Grade Rochester City School District –One year internship teaching fourth grade West Irondequoit Central School District –Second year in the district teaching Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts –Reading Workshop –Writing Workshop –Word Study
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Reading Workshop –Development of strategies through practice to increase word recognition, comprehension and fluency
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Reading Workshop –Independent Reading –Guided Reading –Read Alouds –Literature Discussions
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Reading Workshop –Independent Reading: chapter books and picture books; comprehension demonstrated through weekly written letters in literature response journal
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Reading Workshop –Guided Reading: used to reinforce and practice targeted strategies in a small group setting Traditions, anthology, Houghton Mifflin, 2001
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Reading Workshop –Read Alouds: chapter books and picture books to develop listening skills, practice reading strategies, recognize and appreciate author’s craft
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Reading Workshop –Literature Discussions: small group verbal discourse to deepen understanding and develop higher level thinking skills
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Writer’s Workshop –Teacher sharing and mini-lessons –State of the Class –Independent writing –Guided writing –Investigations –Group share
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Writer’s Workshop –Teacher Sharing Time: sharing literature to spark students interest and motivate them for writing
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Writer’s Workshop –Mini-lessons: teacher-directed lesson focusing on pre-writing activities based on class instructional needs, a particular piece of literature or a skill or strategy needed.
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Writer’s Workshop –State of the Class Conference: each student tells what he/she is doing that day.
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Writer’s Workshop –Independent Writing: students are involved in writing over a specific amount of time; can be writing in their Source Books or on a writing project
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Writer’s Workshop –Guided Writing: small group work with teacher based on a specific need
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Writer’s Workshop –Investigations: students are involved in studies such as author or genre study, oral presentations or project work
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Writer’s Workshop –Group Sharing: students share what they are doing or have done; may be “Author’s Chair”, or quick “read around”.
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Word Study –Students are assessed based on level achieved at the end of previous year –Students develop understanding and experience in specific spelling features of word groups
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Word Study –Students practice word sorts and activities designed to integrate patterns of words
Fourth Grade Curriculum English Language Arts Word Study –Assessment includes observations classroom work, ability to identify and discuss patterns, formal testing and transferring of patterns to students’ writing
Fourth Grade Curriculum Mathematics –Math Trailblazers—a spiral program –Focus is on problem solving –Strategies are developed for problem solving and computation –Content includes multi-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, geometry and measurement
Fourth Grade Curriculum Science Introduction to Science Classification and Attributes Measurement Electricity/Magnets Rocks and Minerals
Fourth Grade Curriculum Science Life Science (Plants and Animals) –Habitats/Attributes –Adaptations Inventions and Technology
Fourth Grade Curriculum Social Studies –Geography –Native Americans –Revolutionary War –United States Government –**Many of our field trips reinforce the units of study.
Fourth Grade Curriculum Music Physical Education Art Library Computer Lab
Fourth Grade Curriculum Field Trips Helmer Nature Center Rochester Museum/Science Center Helmer Nature Center Downtown Walking Tour Journey into the Past Genesee Country Museum **Dates to be announced**
Birthday Celebrations Celebrated during Friday Fun on the week of the Birthday If student would like to bring in something quick on their birthday it must be something that can be passed out quickly (wrapped treats).
Homework Due when assigned If unable to complete, send note in with student If two assignments are incomplete in one week, students will fill out form and complete that night (requires parent signature) If student fails to complete homework twice in the same week, or begins to develop poor habits: Study hall at lunch time Note or phone call home
Thank you for your time! Thank you for sharing your children with me!