Natural heritage and biological diversity Natural heritage and biological diversity.


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Presentation transcript:

Natural heritage and biological diversity Natural heritage and biological diversity

The Council of Europe has been concerned with environment and nature conservation for almost 40 years Its activities contribute to protect the environment in a perspective of sustainable development through: - implementation of global environmental policies at pan-European level - creation of platfoms of dialogue - standard-setting activities - precise policy development projects - set up of technical networks - research and analysis - capacity building - awareness They take place at: - intergovernmental level - parliamentary level - local and regional authorities level

Biodiversity and landscape conservation Activities implemented by the Council of Europe  Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats  Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy (CoE and UNEP)  Three networks to protect nature: Emerald Network Pan-European Ecological Network European Diploma for Protected Areas  European Landscape Convention  European Conference of Ministers Responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT)  Information and awareness

Bern Convention  Adopted and signed in Bern (Switzerland) in September 1979 and entered into force on 1st June 1982  Aims to conserve wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats and promote co- operation among states on nature conservation matters  45 Contracting Parties (39 member States of the Council of Europe + Burkina Faso, Monaco, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia and European Community)  Co-ordinated by a Standing Committee that meets every year Results: 100 Recommendations and 7 Resolutions on various problems concerning implementation in over 30 states Monitoring of endangered European biodiversity (expert groups) Action Plans for threatened species Monitoring of conflict areas where the Convention may not be respected (opening of over 80 file cases, 20 on-the-spot appraisals)

Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy   Approved by the Ministerial Conference “An Environment for Europe”, Sofia, 1995   Aim: protect the biological and landscape diversity in Europe, in a perspective of sustainable development   European Forum to implement the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)   Framework to strengthen the initiatives and to develop co-ordinating actions and synergies Structures: Decision-making body: Council for the Strategy Joint Secretariat: Council of Europe and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Examples of guidelines encouraging the integration of biological and landscape considerations into sectoral policies: Code of conduct and Model Law on Coastal Zones Recommendations on Tourism and Environment Code of conduct on Transport and Environment Recommendations on Agriculture and Biological Diversity

Ecological Networks Emerald Network Network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest Objectives: - Harmonisation of policies on protected areas - Helping accession states to adapt ecological networks to EU requirements Results:. 23 pilot projects between 1999 and For 2004: pilot projects in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Burkina Faso, Marocco and Tunisia. Identification of main areas of ecological interest in Europe in 34 states.. Setting up of Databases

Pan-European Ecological Network Objectives: - Seeks to conserve ecosystems, habitats, species, their genetic diversity and landscapes of European importance - It intends to link core areas physically through corridors and buffer zones - It is a tool for conciliation of socio-economic activities and the preservation of biological and landscape diversity Results:. Guidelines adopted. Indicative map of Pan-European Ecological Network. Studies on ecological corridors. Identification of the most important transboudary protected areas in Central and Eastern Europe

European Diploma of Protected Areas - Created in 1965 Resolution (65) 6 revised by Resolution (98) 29 - Awarded for a five-year period and renewable - 66 diplomas have been awarded in 26 Council of Europe member States and in one non-member State (Belarus) - Results:. Expertise provided in over 20 problem cases. Award has lead to increased funding of Diploma areas. Management plans drafted and implementation regularly checked. Environmental awareness centres built in 10 areas Examples of European Diploma in transboundary protected areas 2003: Thayatal National Park (Austria) : Podyji National Park (Czech Republic) 1998: Bieszczady National Park (Poland) : Carphatian Biosphere reserve (Ukraine) 1997: Bialowieza National Park (Poland) : Belovezskaya Pushcha National Park (Belarus)

Information and awareness campaigns 1970First European Nature Year Launching of numerous programmes and raising of real European awareness 1995Second European Nature Conservation Year Theme: protecting nature outside protected areas Progress to date and a new start 1999Campaign “Europe, a common heritage” Aim: protecting and promoting the cultural and natural heritage of Europe, a common heritage of all Europeans.. Publications. Naturopa Magazine (twice a year). Series of brochures Questions and Answers. Website

European Landscape Convention European Landscape Convention Opened for signature on 20 October 2000 in Florence (Italy) Signed by 21 States, 12 ratifications Entry into force on 1 March 2004 Aims :. Promote the protection, management and planning of European landscapes. Organise European co-operation on landscape issues Article 9 requires parties to set up transfrontier programmes for the identification, evaluation, protection, management and planning of lanscapes which straddle borders.

Conference of Ministers responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT) Implementation of the Hannover Guiding Principles for the Sustainable Development of the European Continent  Promoting territorial cohesion through a more balanced socio-economic development of regions and improved competitiveness  Encouraging development generated by urban functions and improving the relationships between town and countryside  Promoting more balanced accessibility  Developing access to information and knowledge  Reducing environmental damage  Enhancing and protecting natural resources and the natural heritage  Enhancing the cultural heritage as a factor of development  Developing the energy resouces while maintaining safety  Encouraging high quality sustainable tourism  Limiting the impact of natural disasters though prevention action

TRANSFRONTIER AND INTERTERRITORIAL CO-OPERATION European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities (1980) Objectives: To encourage and facilitate the conclusion of cross-border and inter-territorial agreements between local and regional authorities on - regional development - environment protection - improvement of public services - etc. Examples of surveys and studies: Strategy on tranfrontier co-operation in the field of waste and sewage Transfrontier co-operation in civil protection and mutual assistance in the event of natural and technological disasters occurring in frontier areas Transfrontier co-operation in regional / spatial planning, local border traffic and impact assessments etc.

AGREEMENTS and INITIATIVES Agreement for the creation and management of a cross-border protected area between Moldova, Romania and Ukraine in the Danube Delta and the lower River Prut nature protected areas (2000) Aims: - establish a nature-protected areas - harmonise decisions and management methods - coordinate research activities - exchange information and experiences Initiative on the sustainable spatial development of the Tisza/Tisa river basin (2003) [Signed by Hungary, the Slovak Republic, Romania, Serbia-Montenegro and Ukraine] Aims:- develop an integrated and tranfrontier spatial development plan - management of the water system - conservation of rivers and lakes - protect fragile ecosystems and landscapes - promotion of territorial cohesion Chişinău political declaration on transfrontier and interterritorial co-operation between states in South-Eastern Europe (2003) Aims: - invite SEE states to adopt appropriate national legislation following the principles of the Convention on Trasfrontier Co-operation and to become Parties to the Convention - invite SEE states to develop agreements for their cross-border co-operation

Co-ordinated programme of activities between the Council of Europe and the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme in the field of Natural Heritage and Landscape Co-ordinated programme of activities between the Council of Europe and the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme in the field of Natural Heritage and Landscape CoE Ecological Networks and the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves in Europe European Diploma of Protected Areas and UNESCO biosphere reserves Bern Convention’s activities and UNESCO biosphere reserves Integration of biodiversity considerations into sectoral policies Contribution of the CoE and UNESCO to the Conferences of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity Public awareness, information and education European Landscape Convention

For more detailed information on the environment activities, please consult the Internet site: