Walkerton Accommodation Review April 24, 2008 The following most recommended scenarios were reviewed by the Accommodation Review Committee
New JK-8 School on Brant Central Site & Downsized WDSS on Current Site
Value of Elementary School to Students Plans have been in place for several years to merge elementary school communities Large playground retained Safe school location & bus loading area Less split classrooms & improved timetable scheduling Opportunity for more specialized course instruction
Value to Elementary Students cont’d New facility would be fully wheel chair accessible Larger parent volunteer base to assist with activities Potential to increase the number of school extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs & band
Value of Secondary School to Students Retain a secondary school in the town Maintain the cultural identity Maintains the physical learning environment Continued focus on technology in current shop facilities Opportunity to develop partnerships with other organizations Maintains full co-operative education program Maintain gym facility for regional school activities
Value of Elementary School to Community New facility may attract more use after hours by community groups Retains soccer fields for community use Attracts & retains families in the community
Value of Secondary School to Community Retains facility for community use after hour Keeps night school programs within town Retains student population for after school jobs or volunteer opportunities
Value of Schools to Economy Keeps employment opportunities within town Attracts & retains families in the community Local business benefit from school spending Money brought in during construction phase Source of student workforce Cooperative programs with local businesses are maintained
Value of Schools to the Board Operating costs decrease with one elementary school Minimal transportation increase Opportunity to access ministry funding for new build
JK-12 New School
Value of School to Students Building will be designed to meet all the need of both elementary and secondary students Provides required space for elementary students Outside space will be designed according to student needs More opportunity for before & after school programs since there will be coordinated busing Fewer split classes
Value to Students cont’d… Continued focus on technology in a new building Enhanced programs to attract students in order to meet the labour demands of today and into the future. Maintains full co-op program Maintains full educational experiences in home community.
Value of School to Community New school available for community use. Opportunity to develop community partnerships – corporate and municipal. Co-op program is maintained within the community.
Value of School to the Economy Young families along with development will be attracted to the community. Allows student jobs to be facilitated. Dollars will be retained in community.
Value of School to the Board Best business case – more efficient building Lower operational costs Minimal increase to the transportation budget Opportunity to access ministry funding for new build
JK-12 New School This proposal has two important further recommendations: school must have enough gym space to achieve Ministry expectations. we recommend that the Board maintain the Brant Central School site as a playing field and track for senior students.
JK-12 in Renovated WDSS with New 2 Storey Elementary Wing
Value of School to Secondary Students Keeps a secondary school setting in Walkerton, which as an ARC we felt was one of the main concerns of the public. Retains all of the current shop classrooms and maintains the program that is currently in place. There would be easy access to co-op placements within the elementary school Potential use of the Brant Central site for physical education programs, for example a track with a washroom facility.
Value of School to Elementary Students There would be fewer split classes since there is a larger student population. The transition to Grade 9 would be easier. Careful planning would be needed to accommodate the student needs A new Kindergarten to Grade 12 school community would be established.
Value of School to Community The community will continue to have use of the large WDSS facility Both an elementary AND secondary school setting will remain in Walkerton A full co-op program will continue
Value of School to the Economy We encourage the school and the board to investigate possible partnerships with the municipality and other organizations Allows student jobs to be facilitated in Walkerton.
Value of School to the Board Potentially no additional relocation costs during construction as renovating can be done in stages. Minimal increase in transportation costs Total operating costs would be reduced since only one school would be maintained instead of three.
Current WDSS Floor Plan
Demolish south west wing from Cafeteria to Gym A/B Oldest part of school with the most problems
Build New 2 Story Elementary Wing
Offices Located North West end of new build
Offices Located North West end of new build 2 Story Elementary Classrooms
Offices Located North West end of new build 2 Store Elementary Classrooms Secondary Classrooms Maintaining Tech Wing & Gym A/B
Offices Located North West end of new build 2 Store Elementary Classrooms Gym A/B & Music Room Common Area Gym C & Cafeteria Common Area Secondary Classrooms
New green space Fenced Playground
Teacher & Student Parking