Web Site Administration with the IEEE’s EWH server Paul Wesling Compaq Computer CPMT VP-Publications & Webmaster
The Successful Chapter Notes on MajorDomo: –I administer 5 IEEE MajorDomo lists –The Chapter has active “names” –Powerful resource: evening meetings, short courses, local symposia, other “alerts” –Moderated vs “open” –Avoiding spam; keeping goodwill –Philosophy of adding “names”
A Chapter Website SCV Engineers expect a Chapter to have a public “face” – a website These can be simple, and can grow in content over a period of years Find one you like; copy its structure; substitute your own content and flavor
Chapter Website example: Evening Meetings Short Courses Local Conferences
Chapter Website Example (cont) Historical Record of Past events Reasons: -Reports -Finding old mtgs & events
Editing in HTML Santa Clara Valley Chapter, CPMT Society <META name="description" content="Home Page for Santa Clara Valley/Silicon Valley Chapter of the IEEE's Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society"> <META name="keywords" content="CPMT, IEEE, Electronics Packaging, Components, Manufacturing Technology, IC Packaging, Reliability, Electronic Materials, Transactions, Proceedings"> Best bet: use simple HTML. Much more manageable than using a WYSIWYG editor, or MS Word Copy a template from another webpage, then optimize it for your own use and content:
Editing in HTML R esources: Who we are Joining CPMT Chapter Chair The Olympic Torch We welcome you to Silicon Valley, the home of the Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society! We're quite active, with both a regular series of Monthly Evening Meetings, and a rich choice of technical and professional skills courses.
Linking to Higher Levels The SCV Section Website
Linking to Higher Levels (cont) How people Find your Site & Activities
Getting a Host for your Chapter First, you need a Webmaster: knows some HTML Your Chapter website can be anywhere: company, university, commercial host Our preference: IEEE maintains a high- speed web server called the “Entity Web Hosting” (EWH) server – just for IEEE “entities” like Sections and Chapters
How it Works First, you create/edit your files, and organize them as a “website” on your own computer Then you “upload” these files (and updates as they occur) to the EWH server, using an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client Examples: CuteFTP (PC), FETCH (Mac)
Example of FTP Client Files on your ComputerFiles on the Server
Structure, on the EWH Server Top level: //ewh.ieee.org/r6/scv/ This is where the SCV Section resides Within this “directory”, there can be many subdirectories, one for each Chapter: /mtt/ /eds/ /pes/ /ssc/…etc Each has its own Webmaster, UserName, and Password
Getting your EWH Server Account First, get a volunteer to be your Chapter Webmaster; should know the basic “tags” Have Rockwell Hsu create an account for your Webmaster (UserName, Password) The EWH administrators will give you basic instructions (root directory, etc) Load your pages; review and modify them “Go live” – have Jonathan link to your new resource!
Questions, Answers, Discussion