Key numbers of typhoon MORKAOT Key numbers of typhoon MORKAOT Disaster Images & Video Disaster Images & Video (Satellite, HDV and CCTV) (Source : Satellite, HDV and CCTV) Summary Summary
3 OrderYearTyphoon NameAreaRainfall (One day) MORAKOT Weiliao Vil., Sandimen Township, Pingtung County MORAKOT Xinan, Taoyuan Township, Kaohsiung County MORAKOT Youshan, Taoyuan Township, Kaohsiung County AMBER Buluowan, Xiulin Township, Hualien County MORAKOT Matoushan, Dapu Township, Chiayi County MORAKOT Xinfa Vil., Liugui Township, Kaohsiung County MORAKOT Fenqihu, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County MORAKOT Shipanlong, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County MORAKOT Majia Township, Pingtung County MORAKOT Xiaoguanshan, Taoyuan Township, Kaohsiung County 1177 Unit: mm
The total amount of rainfall is about nineteen billion tons, which is equal to the amount of water by consuming for one year in Taiwan. But almost ten billion tons of rainfall fell in the Southern of Taiwan. Although the amount of rainfall of typhoon MORKAOT fell only 3 days, it brought 1/5 of the total amount of rainfall for one year in Taiwan. 4 Ten billion tons
FORMOSAT- 2 is operated by the National Space Organization (NSPO). Formosat- 2 passes Taiwan twice everyday and takes images of the 2 M resolution by the way of seven bands. 5
6 (1) Before(2) After
7 (1) Before(2) After
8 GIS map GIS map layer control Real-Time Video Camera Control
9 Left eyeRight eye Left eye
10 Before After Left eye Right eye
11 (1) Before (2) After
Remote sensing and stereography can offer useful data for information and analysis. Users can refer these data of remote sensing and stereography to evaluate the disasters. 12
Thanks For Your Attention! 13