Welcome to Grapevine Middle School Counselors Last Names A-L: Mrs. Johnson Last Names M-Z: Mrs. Jones Student Advocate: Sharon Greene, LCSW
Physical Development of the 11 Year Old Increased need for food, physical activity and talking Need for more sleep Increased need for personal hygiene Wide differences among individuals in rate of development Girls ahead of boys in physical maturity
Social and Emotional Development of the 11 Year Old Less overt affection and attention shown to parents Testing of limits, some rudeness and impulsive verbal out bursts Focus on self, feels unique, believes that no one has ever felt the way they do (suffered so much or been so misunderstood) Experience extremes of emotions Experimenting with behaviors, roles, appearance and self image Friendships can become cliques, students seek to belong, communication is important Demand privileges but may avoid responsibilities Difficulty with decisions but need the opportunity to make choices for themselves
Intellectual Development of the 11 Year Old Mostly interested in the present, limited thoughts of the future Increased ability to see the world from various perspectives Development of ideals and selection of role models Lack of understanding of cause and effect as well as feelings of omnipotence and invulnerability can lead to high risk–taking behaviors Even if students can make abstractions, they learn best when activities are active hands on and related to personal experiences Concerned with rules, standards of behaviors and fairness especially for themselves Do not distinguish between what they are thinking and what others may be thinking – Assume that everyone is as concerned with their behavior and appearance Better at planning than carrying out the plan
Your student will soon begin middle school. Grapevine Middle School is a special place! Your student will have many opportunities to meet new friends, learn new things, and think about the future. As Mrs. Greene mentioned, your student will also have more choices and more independence.
What’s different about middle school? GMS has an 8 period day with 5 minute passing periods. Each 6 th grade student is assigned a locker in the 6 th grade “A Hall” (Academic Hall). 6 th graders have PE everyday. This means “dressing out” in red shorts and a white shirt and an opportunity to take a shower.
Even if your 6 th grader is not assigned any written homework, there is always something that can be “reviewed”. Reading at home (“R.A.H.”) continues to be an important part of your child’s education. “R.A.H.” expectation: minimum of 20 minutes per day Expect daily Math homework. EXPECT DAILY HOMEWORK!
CORRAL TIME: A favorite of teachers and students!!! Daily between 7 th & 8 th period 25 minutes of supervised Study Hall Tutorials If passing all classes student can attend: Various club meetings Recreation time in gym Library Computer lab time
Advanced Academic classes look different at GMS. In elementary school, students come out of their regular classroom weekly for “enrichment” classes. In middle school, the students’ advanced academic classes are enriched in the same room with the same teacher. Middle school PAP (Pre-Advanced Placement) classes are available for ALL students.
Accelerated Math and Science These two courses cover content from multiple grade levels with compacted curricula. These classes move rapidly! It is recommended that students in Accelerated Math and/or Accelerated Science meet the aptitude, achievement and academic performance guidelines for GT or accelerated placement in mathematics and science.
GT (Gifted & Talented) classes: Students who enroll must meet the GCISD qualifications for these programs. GT (World Discoveries Reading, English and Social Studies) Must be taken together Includes the “Future Problem Solving” process Requires a high level of reading, comprehension and writing skills
Choosing your student’s academic classes Your student’s current teacher and/or counselor can tell you which Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies classes are the best fit for your student!
6 th Grade Electives Students get to choose one elective in 6 th grade.
Important Note: Questions regarding your student’s interests and abilities are best answered at your elementary campus. We look forward to working with you and your family in the future!
Family Access You can get a copy of your Skyward Family Access user name and password on your student’s elementary school campus.
Family Access will be open for entering course requests from March 7 th – March 19 th. Your campus technologist can assist you if you have technical problems with this program.