Sign up for a conference Look around the room Write your child a note in their notebook in their desk.
Introduction › My Family Kyle, Kamrin & Ashlee › Eastern Nazarene College B.S. Early Childhood › George Mason University Master in Educational Leadership & Supervision › Summer School Principal for 2 summers at Liberty Elementary and Buffalo Trail › 24th year of teaching › 12th year in LCPS › K, 1, and 2
Morning Procedures › School starts at 7:50 so please make sure your child arrives on time. › If you know your child will be absent please call the absentee line ( ) or send a note in advance. Meals › Snack - Nut Free 9:00 › Lunch 11:20-11:50-prepay at Dismissal › Buses start loading at 2:35. Please send a note about any changes, me or call the office and leave a message ( )
2 nd Grade Expectations center
Academic Blocks › 2 hours 30 minute Language Arts /Writing block › 1 hour Math block › 30 minutes for Science or Social Studies Specials › Recess (daily for 15 minutes) › PE (Mon., Tues. and Thurs..) - tennis shoes › SEARCH and Guidance (Every other Fri.) › Music (Mon. and Fri.) › Library (Thurs..) - open checkout daily › Art (Wed.) › Computer Lab (Tues.)
Tool to organize students’ work during Reading Workshop. “Must-Do” assignments each day › Based on mini-lessons and skills taught › Graded for Language Arts › Independent Choice Centers › Various literacy activities kids choose from › Graded for effort › Independent or partner work Please review your child’s contract when it is returned home. This is a great tool to see how your child is working during Centers Time.
Please keep in mind that information about a child’s achievement and development may be gathered in a number of ways. Some techniques are: Observations Discussions/conferences Work samples Verbal and nonverbal participation Formal assessments, such as quizzes or tests
Standard: Math SOL 2.4 Learning Target: The student will count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100 and count backwards by 10s starting from 100, as well as identify even and odd numbers. 4The student will skip count forward and backwards using other multiples from various starting points, as well as explain how to identify even and odd numbers. 3The student will count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100 and count backwards by 10s starting from 100, as well as identify even and odd numbers. 2The student will count forward by 2s, 5s, and 10s to 100 starting at 2, 5, and 10. 1The student will count forward by 10s to 100.
All assignments will be marked for grade using a letter system of E/4 (Exceeds) M/3 (Meets) P/2 (Progressing) B/1 (Below) Some assignments are also marked with an effort grade (O, S, N). Learning Progression Scale utilized for grades. Used for entire 2 nd grade team.
IXL or Dreambox for math homework (2-3 nights/week). Spelling City for word study homework (Monday- Thursday). Content homework sent home 1-2 nights a week. If you don’t have access to a computer or do not want your child completing homework this way, I will provide other opportunities.
Folders › To Go Folders (Blue) PTA and school information Student work › Thursday Folder (Black and Red) › Agendas Homework - written instructions Phone Calls › Please leave a message in the office. ( ) Updates Monthly News on Second Grade Website
- do NOT use for emergencies › Website › /site/default.asp /site/default.asp › Upcoming Events › Nine Week Plans › Classroom Schedule › Grading Policy › Curriculum Web Sites
Birthdays › LCPS is not allowing any food or non-food items to celebrate birthdays. › Students cannot pass out invitations at school. Class Parties › Winter Celebration › Valentine’s Day › End of Year
Each student will have a special week to design a poster (provided by me). The poster will be sent home a week before it is due.
If your child requires medication, please give it directly to our school nurse. The children are not allowed to give it to the nurse. Children are NOT allowed to have medication in class.