United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Measuring sustainable development: Experience of the EECCA countries Tiina Luige Statistical Division UNECE
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2 — affirmative reply — negative reply Sustainable development: strategies and measurement — not applicable — reply not provided * Presidential Decree of November 14, 2006 № 216 "On the Concept of Transition of Kazakhstan to Sustainable Development for " is declared repealed. Currently, the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan is working on the Strategy of transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to green economy. Quantitative indicators will be developed to monitor the implementation of the Strategy.
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 3 Examples of SDI sets Sets of indicators Russian Federation Social indicators, including Combating poverty, Demographic dynamics and sustainability, Protection of health, etc. Economic indicators, including change of resource consumption patterns, financial resources and mechanisms, transfer of environment-friendly technologies, cooperation Environmental indicators, including Protection of the quality of fresh water, oceans, sustainable development of mountain areas, Combating deforestation, Biodiversity protection, Environmentally sound management of solid wastes Institutional indicators, including Comprehensive consideration of environment and development issues in decision-making, contribution of science to sustainable development Sets of indicators Ukraine (draft) Environmental: 114 indicators, including quality and stock of fresh water (17); forests protection (13); atmosphere protection (21), solid waste management (8) etc. Social: 43 indicators, including demographic dynamics and human development (10); protection of public health (9); support for the ecological status of settlements of people (20) Economic: 42 indicators, including national policies and international cooperation (13); change in consumption patterns (23); financial resources and mechanisms (6)
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 4 Availability of indicators by countries
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 5 Availability of indicators by themes
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 6 Comparison with the EU Countries (I) Availability of indicators by themes
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 7 Availability of individual indicators Comparison with the EU Countries (II)
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 8 Examples of composite indicators on SD Armenia Integrated indicator of sustainable development (I1 + I2 + I 3 + Ienv) / 4 where I 1 — life expectancy index, I 2 — education index, I 3 — GDP per capita, I экол — environmental situation indicator Belarus
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 9 Data dissemination Statistical yearbooks Statistical publications on different topics, such as environment protection, MDG, etc. Reports on implemented statistical surveys Web-sites of statistical offices
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 10 Main conclusions The majority of the EECCA countries have an officially approved strategy of sustainable development Several countries’ strategies cover a broader set of goals (e.g., reducing poverty) Fifty per cent of the EECCA countries have officially approved SDI defined in accordance with the goals set in SD strategies Most of the indicators proposed by the TFSD Report are available in the EECCA countries Several countries have established composite indicators of SD on the analogy of the Human Development Index by UNDP SDI applied in the EECCA countries vary as they were established to meet different goals. In order to ensure the possibility of comparing indicators across countries, a harmonised set of SDI is needed
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 11 Thank you for your attention!