WELCOME! Hello, families! Welcome to third grade at Prairie Point Elementary School. I am happy to introduce myself as your child’s 3 rd grade teacher. My name is Pam Fox, and I am delighted to begin the school year! I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child.
About Me, Professionally I earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education, and received The Dorothy Watson Literacy Award from Park University. This will be my second year teaching third grade, and I feel proud to be a part of the Prairie Point Elementary School Community.
About Me, Personally I grew up in Waycross, Georgia. Also, I lived in Franklin, Tennessee for fifteen years. In 2008, my husband, Michael’s job transferred us to Missouri, and we reside in Smithville. Our 14 year old daughter, Lexi keeps us on the go. Our family pets include: a soft-coated wheaten terrier named “Trooper,” and a Beta fish! I enjoy cooking, crafting, decorating, and getting captivated by a good book. I am most content when my home is filled with family and friends.
Third Grade Daily Schedule Our Class Schedule 8:40-8:55 Morning Work 9:00-9:20 RTI/Journey Time 9:25-10:15 Writer’s Workshop 10:20-11:05 Math 11:05-11:55 Specials 11:57-12:35 Lunch/Recess 12:45-1:40 Reader’s Workshop 1:20-2:15 Science/ Social Studies 2:15-2:35 Recess 2:35-3:00 Word Work 3:00-3:10 Pack-up Routine 3:10-3:25 Read Aloud 3:25 Dismissal
Specials Schedule Specials occur on a rotating schedule from 11:05 – 11:55 each day. Day A: P.E. Day B: Art Day C: Music
English Language Arts Reader’s Workshop Mini Lesson A direct, focused teaching lesson to the whole class to specifically address skills, strategies, and issues in students’ reading. Independent Reading, Conferring, and Small Groups Students are engaged in reading text at their instructional level and interests while the teacher conferences with individual students and meets with small groups about their reading skills and understanding. Reflection A time for teachers to reinforce learning through purposeful student conversations about reading processes, struggles, and achievements.
English Language Arts Writer’s Workshop Mini Lesson A direct, focused teaching lesson to the whole class to specifically address skills, strategies, and issues in students’ writing. Composing/Conferring Students are engaged in purposeful writing on topics of their choice while teacher conferences with individual students or meets with small groups about their writing. Word Work with Words Their Way resource. Reflection A time for teachers to reinforce learning through purposeful student conversations about writing processes, struggles, and achievements.
Math Direct instruction A direct, focused teaching lesson based on a specific strand presented to the whole class. It is an opportunity to specifically address skills, strategies, issues, and concerns seen in students’ mathematical understanding. Independent Application Students are engaged in activities to reinforce learning. Activities may include, but are not limited to: math games, independent practice activities, teacher conferring, and small groups. Reflection A time for teachers to reinforce learning through purposeful student conversations about math processes, struggles, and achievements.
Math: enVision Topics
Social Studies/Science
State and National Assessments Missouri Assessment Program test assess students on state standards. Communication Arts Mathematics
District Assessments STAR Reading STAR Math Acuity Reading Acuity Math enVision Math Topic Assessments Writing Assessments Reading Assessments
Classroom Management System Prairie Point has a school wide behavior system called Positive Behavior Support (PBS), which includes our SOAR expectations; Show respect, Own my actions, Accept responsibility, and be Ready to learn. We want to ensure that all children have the opportunity to be safe and secure at school. A learning environment that is free of disruptions is the best learning environment for all of us. We want the best for your child, just as you do.
Classroom Management System It is my desire that our classroom is a positive and safe learning environment in which students are responsible for their actions and strive for personal growth. In the first few days of the school year, students will create our classroom mission statement upon which our classroom expectations will be based. I will be confident that students understand the classroom expectations, and I will be firm, caring and consistent in carrying out the vision for our classroom.
Classroom Management System At the end of each day, students will track their behavior and color the date on their personal “Behavior Tracker Calendar” with green (followed all expectations and was a role model for others), yellow (needed some reminders for following expectations), or red (behavior interfered with learning). Once they have moved from green to yellow or red, students are given the opportunity to make positive choices and end the day “with a green.” Behavior Tracker Calendars are sent home every Friday, and should be signed and returned the following Monday. Students earn a bean for each day they colored green during the previous week. These beans are placed in our classroom Bean Bucket, and go toward earning a class reward. At the end of each month, students ending on green every day may enter into a drawing for a prize, and their name will be placed on our Classroom Data board. Students keep previous monthly Behavior Trackers in their DATA Notebooks.
Classroom Management System Group Rewards: Our class Bean Bucket is a means of rewarding the entire class for positive behavior. Beans are awarded when students exhibit positive behavior. Beans are earned by individuals, as well as by the class as a whole. When the class works together to fill the Bean Bucket to the top, they will be rewarded together. The class votes on what they would like for their prize. Prizes can include pajama day, reading with a stuffed animal friend, using a special pencil/pen/marker for the day, chewing gum or candy for an hour, or taking shoes off in the classroom. Individual Rewards: When a student is a role model for others and demonstrates our school wide SOAR expectations, he/she will be given a “SOAR Slip.”(Students cannot ask for a slip.) Twice monthly, students may redeem SOAR slips for rewards.
Homework Routine In addition to regular class work, homework will be assigned. Students are required to write their homework assignment(s) in their Agendas. Homework is expected to be written in red, so it should be easy to spot. The activities we have accomplished each day will be written in each respective subject area. Typically, the homework I assign will be reading for at least 20 minutes each night and a math enVision practice sheet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Occasionally, other assignments or projects may be given as homework. When we begin multiplication, students will be expected to practice multiplication fluency at home.
Birthday Treats You are more than welcome to send birthday treats for your child. Birthday treats will be enjoyed in the cafeteria during our lunch time. Prepackaged or individually wrapped items are best for quick and easy distribution. Please be aware of allergies. Please send enough treats for 24 students.
Communication In order for your student to be most successful, I believe communication between you, your student and me is a vital factor. Weekly, I will update our classroom newsletter to be ed to you on Fridays. By request, students may also bring home a hard copy of the newsletter. The newsletter will include a brief description of what we are learning in class, important dates, and announcements. If you need to contact me, please call the school at (816) or me (which is the best way to reach me) at
Volunteer Opportunities If you would like to work with students as a volunteer in our classroom or building, you will need to become an approved, screened volunteer. Please complete the paperwork from our school office if you would like to volunteer! I would also love to have volunteers to help with copies, bulletin boards, etc. If you would like to volunteer in this way, please let me know!
I look forward to a wonderful school year!