Welcome to Kindergarten McAuliffe Elementary
Your Kindergarten Teachers: Tricia Blair Susan Siske Susan See
Arrival and Dismissal Enter class at 7:40 a.m. Between 7:30-7:40 a.m. – cafeteria 7:50 a.m. class begins Students are tardy after 8:50 a.m. (Admit slip needed at this time.) Dismissal at South Loop – 2:40 p.m. (After 2:50 rotate through curb lane.)
Dismissal Guidelines Kindergarten dismissal begins at 2:40 in the South Loop. Drivers may use the 2 nd lane – this is for Kindergarten pick up only - until 2:50 at which time you will need to drive around and join the curb lane, as we are not allowed to walk students through moving traffic. Parents will be given a card with their child’s name on it to display in the front window of the pick-up vehicle. Teachers will walk students to their cars. Waiting students should remain seated until their ride arrives to pick them up or a sibling comes out to get them. Some parents prefer to park and walk up to meet their child. We ask that students not leave without letting us know. After 3:10 students will need to be picked up in the office.
Pick up Demonstration
Conferences/Communication Folders – to and from school daily Responsibility Sheets – initial daily – teachers check periodically, will respond as soon as time permits Phone – no calls put through during class time, can leave messages Conferences – will be scheduled in October, contact us to schedule sooner
Curriculum TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) Based Subject Areas: Language Arts (literacy groups, work stations, shared reading, phonemic awareness, writing) Math, Science, Health, and Social Studies Integrated learning throughout all subject areas Special Classes: Music, PE, Art Computer Lab, Library
Balanced Literacy Read Aloud Shared Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading Shared Writing Interactive Writing Independent Writing Letter and Word Study
Math/Science Beliefs With teachers using the Lewisville ISD elementary science curriculum, all students will: · develop abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry as prescribed by Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). · use age-appropriate tools and models. · use reading and information as well as data and critical thinking to make decisions. · work cooperatively to problem-solve and safely investigate scientific phenomena. · communicate effectively through writing, listening, and speaking. · achieve scientific literacy through differentiated instruction. · use technology to enhance learning. · be exposed to current scientific research and developments. · be encouraged to value lifelong learning.
My Work is Play When you ask me what I have done at school, and I say, “I just played,” please don’t misunderstand me. I’m learning to enjoy and be successful at my work. I’m preparing for tomorrow. I am a child and my work is play! When I am getting all dressed up, setting the table, and caring for the babies, don’t get the idea that I’m “just playing.” I’m learning as I play. I may be a mother or a father or a pediatrician someday! When you see me engrossed in a puzzle or some “ play thing” at my school, please don’t feel the time is wasted in play. I’m learning as I play—to solve problems and concentrate. I may be in business someday! When you see me up to my elbows in paint, or standing at an easel or modeling and shaping clay, please don’t let me hear you say, “He’s just playing”. I’m learning as I play. I’m expressing myself and being creative. I may be an artist or inventor someday!
Lunch/Snacks, Etc Bring or buy (breakfast $1.00, lunch $2.00) Lunch cards purchased through cafeteria or online Notifications are sent home when accounts are low Can put restrictions on card Send a healthy snack and water bottle every day
Birthdays: You may send individual treats such as cookies or cupcakes. We will have them during our end of the day outdoor time. (No drinks, favors, or cakes please. We have limited time.) If you would like to have invitations delivered at school please send them to everyone or all the boys/girls.
Volunteers We love you! Complete form and return if you are interested in volunteering Background checks required every 2 years Parent readers, computer lab help, make copies, prepare materials for class activities, help with parties and other class/school events
Thank you for coming! IIIIt is going to be a great year!