Sacred Genre of the Renaissance ( )


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Sacred Genre of the Renaissance (1450-1600) MASS Service music of Church MOTET Based on sacred Latin text Exams - based on material from Introduction,Study Guides, the 2 midterms are not cumulative, but the final covers material from the entire course. Tests are on computer sheets: matching. true false. -- terms and definitions, associations of the composers with periods or movements. I have schedulled reviews during the course Quizzes- are similar to the tests, they serveas a check-up on your progress.

Important composers of the Renaissance Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474) Josquin des Prez (c. 1440-1521) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c. 1525-94)

RENAISSANCE MASS concentration on the Ordinary texts do not change Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei Secular Influences using non-religious songs in the Mass

Guillaume Dufay(1397-1474) Born in Burgundy, worked in Italy, then returned to Cambrai

Kyrie from L’homme armé Mass By Dufay Kyrie: first musical part of the Mass Text in three parts: Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy Sound: different from Medieval music? Texture: homophonic or polyphonic? Meter: triple or duple?

Kyrie from L’homme armé Mass Listening Guide 7 Based on popular tune called L’homme armé Use of preexisting tune is called CANTUS FIRMUS Slow notes, in tenor voice Three sections or music: (Lord have mercy-Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy)

Josquin Desprez (c. 1440-1521) Another Flemish composer who worked in Italy: Ducal chapel at Milan, Sistine chapel in Rome Ferrara Later returned north-provost of church of Notre Dame in Conde sur ‘Escaut.

Josquin Desprez One of the first composers to have his works widely performed throughout Europe Emerging concept of genius

Josquin, Ave Maria… Virgo serena Listening guide 8 Motet A sacred work in Latin Different Textures IMITATION: a melody is presented in one voice and restated in another homophony: melody and accompaniment

Josquin Ave Maria homophonic writing used to bring out the text in specific places-- as a type of musical rhetoric At Hail, true virginity at the personal prayer-- “Remember ME” Different combinations of voices How is the sound different from that of Medieval music?

Church History Protestant reformation Counter-Reformation Early 16th century Counter-Reformation Response of Catholic church to reformation Council of Trent Reform movement in Catholic Church 1545-63 Decided that text should be understood in church music

Giovanni Palestrina Most important composer of late Renaissance 1525-94 Italian, worked in Rome at Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s.

Pope Marcellus Mass (Gloria) By Palestrina The Legend of Palestrina Six voice texture (full sound) Clear text setting Ideals of Council of Trent (1545-1563) Different combinations of voices Often uses reduced voicing