Strengthen Existing and Establish New Collaborations Work with Science Teams to Advance Grid Technologies and Improve the Underlying Infrastructure In the Pacific Rim and Globally PRAGMA pragma A Practical Collaborative Framework IOIT-VN
Working Groups: Organize Activities ResourcesBiosciences GEOTelescience Oct 2008
Currently there are 4 host sites: Osaka, NCHC, Monash, CNIC; New in 2008: USM, NTU, U Auckland, U Waikato, New 2009 U Hyderabad; And new US mentoring sites: U WI U Zurich Switzerland UoHyd India USM Malaysia NCHC Taiwan Monash U Australia U Auckland U Waikato New Zealand CNIC China Source Cindy Zheng U WI USA Osaka U Japan PRIME Host and Mentor Sites Research Apprenticeship; Cultural Experience UCSD USA
U Auckland U Waikato New Zealand USM Penang Malaysia U Hyderabad Hyderabad, India Oct Jul 08 PRIUS and MURPA: Based on PRIME New Models for Building Research Capacity and Cultural Awareness MURPA
Schedule Resources Tanaka, YoshioAISTResources Abramson, DavidMonashInteroperations Tatebe, OsamuU TsukubaCSF4 and Gfarm Kim, NamgyuKISTIeAIRS Telescience Shimojo, ShinjiNICT/OsakaTelescience Lin, Fang-PangNCHCEcoGrid/GLEON/CREON Biosciences Li, WilfredUCSD/NBCRBioscience - Avian Flu Grid GEO Tsai, Whey FoneNCHCGEO WG, 3D GIS Taiwan project Education Date, Susumu Miyanaga, ShojiOsakaPRIUS Abramson, DavidMonashMURPA PRIME Pham, PhillipUCSDIdentification of a Specific Inhibitor Han, SimonUCSDVirtual Screening for SHP-2 Chu, Rachel Tenedorio, DanielUCSD3D Teleconferencing
Visit Our Booths Member InstitutionsBooth AIST: National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology303 CCS: Center for Computational Science, U Tsukuba1551 Cray532 IST/CMC (Cybermedia Center) Osaka U2023 KISTI: Korea Institute for Science and Technology Information2511 NCHC: National Center for High-performance Computing1851 NCSA: National Center for Supercomputing Application351 SDSC, Calit2, EVL: San Diego Supercomputer Center568 Tokyo Tech3208 Collaborating Institutions NCRR/NBCR/UCSD: National Center for Research Resources3206 NICT: National Institute for Information and Communications Technology2908
Thanks National Center for High-performance Computing National Applied Research Laboratory All PRAGMA Institutions and Collaborators
GLEON Sites September 2008 Lake Observatory + IT Development Source: Tim Kratz Lake Erken, GLEON 7 September 2008 T. Blenckner GLEON 6, Florida February 2008 Launched by PRAGMA Telescience WG Understand lake dynamics at local, regional, global scales through grassroots use of cyberinfrastructure
Lake Sunapee, USA Lake Erken, Sweden Yuan Yang Lake, Taiwan Torrens Lake, Australia Ormajärven, Finland Lake Annie, USA Lake Rotorua, New Zealand Crystal Bog, USA Lake Mangueira, Brazil Typical Instrumentation Weather Thermistor chain Dissolved Oxygen sensor Chlorophyll fluorometer CDOM fluorometer Turbidity pH CO2 PAR penetration ADCP etc Source: Tim Kratz Linking Data from Lakes Globally
Avian Flu Grid Use PRAGMA Grid and member technologies to construct and use international platform for screening and understanding avian flu Ten Institutions: – CNIC, Jilin U (China); AIST, U Tsukuba (Japan); KISTI, Konkuk U (Korea); USM (Malaysia); Academia Sinica (Taiwan); U Hawaii, UCSD (US) Eight PRIME Students (two with publications) Improved codes: – data file systems, databases, grid monitoring systems, algorithm for protein flexibility Identified promising compounds, being tested Funding from individual institutions, TATRC, NIH PRAGMA Biosciences WG launched Avian Flu Grid
Acknowledgements Slides – Cindy Zheng – Wilfred Li – Tim Kratz – Ryosuke Nakamura – Shinji Shimojo – Larry Smarr – Paul Hanson – Tony Fountain – Sameer Tilak – David Abramson – Susumu Date – Fang-Pang Lin – Lily Cheng – … Funding Agencies – NSF – TATRC – NIH – Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation – Many others, see list in PRAGMA Collaborative Overview