TIME MANAGEMENT and ACADEMICS “Burning the Midnight Oil”
“ In high school I was a cheerleader, tutored, worked in my church, hung out, and still got all my work done. I never had to actively balance schoolwork and fun. When I got to college I had fewer classes, spent fewer hours in class, but did a lot more work, and I did pretty poorly until I figured out that I had to schedule time for myself. If I didn’t make time for hanging out with friends and doing fun stuff, I would end up slacking off, hating college, and feeling sorry for myself” -Katie, UCLA ‘02
Make A Game Plan! 1. Sit down with all of your course outlines and your personal calendar. 2. Look over the entire semester, mark all events, holidays, and responsibilities. (ex. games, conferences, work) 3. Mark down test dates and when all significant assignments/projects are due. 4. Plan your semester! (You want to talk to your professor about any conflicts right off the bat!)
Study Tips Ask yourself: –When do I study best? –Where do I study best? (Test it out and change it up!) Then What? At the beginning of each week, schedule time to sit down and block out your time. Use your nifty calendar! –Make a “to do” list –Go to class, pay attention, take notes –Separate work time from play time –Take study breaks (Don’t spend more than 2 hours on one subject.)
Study Tips (continued) Apply the concepts you learn in class to other areas of your life Know what to study and what not to study Spend your free time doing something completely different from studying To avoid mixing up material, don’t study similar subjects back to back Avoid eye strain and fatigue
Study Groups Tips_______________________ Keep it structured Meet after all the members have finished reading information or have done significant amount on own Don’t study with people you can’t be serious with! You won’t get much done if all you do is giggle and talk about your weekend!
Exam Time Don’t go hungry- eating tips! Go to the restroom Bring your favorite writing utensil Be confident and relaxed. You can do this!!! Don’t forget about partial credit
Credit Hours Average Semester: 15 Credit Hours Associates Degree: 2 years –60 Hours (How many years?) Bachelor’s Degree (B.A. or B.S.) : 4 years –120 Hours (How many years?) Master’s Degree –30-36 more hours Doctoral Degree
DON’T FORGET … … TO MAKE TIME FOR FUN! College is an exciting time in your life. When will you ever be surrounded by so many people your own age? Make your experience positive and memorable- just don’t forget that BALANCE is the key!
Questions for You What is a credit hour? How many hours do you get for an average class? What is an RA? What’s a TA? About how many classes do you take a semester? What is FAFSA? What is jungle juice? How many hours do you need to graduate with an associates? A bachelors?