Chief Examiner’s Checklist PLAN OF ACTION The plan of action should show the time allocation for the work to be completed and the changes to the plan as well as showing where the objectives will be met. There should be evidence of 60 hours work of which approximately 30 hours should be spent on practical activity.
PLAN OF ACTION Create a diary (on Excel?) showing each day between the start of the project and the deadline date. Put in the interim deadlines, your food lessons, any study periods you intend to use for Food Tech and home study time (including holidays). Then write in what you plan to do in each (including practicals) in order to meet the deadlines. You need to create a method so that you can show any changes you have to make to the plan as you go along. One idea is to have an acetate overlay with the alterations on.
INVESTIGATION You must collect research, but you must not put it in the folder. Research must include finding out most of the areas of your design and manufacturing objectives.
INVESTIGATION Research can include the following (also see design and manufacturing objectives) Type of ingredients Portion size Calories Suitability for target consumer Cost/price Scaling up Reheating Storage Retrogradation – use of modified starches
ANALYSIS Analysis of research means explaining the key facts many of which will create measurable criteria to form the basis of the design specification. Analysis is NOT an explanation of how the information was found, but an explanation of the findings, including factual information.
DESIGN SPECIFICATION The design specification should have measurable criteria – consumer, nutrition, specific meal, portion size, cost etc. You should have about 8 specification points.
Which level do you think each of these specifications got? (Level 1-5, 1 being high) Design Specification 1 Product for a coeliac Must have a good sensory characteristic Healthy Design Specification 2 A savoury product suitable for a coeliac The product must be low in salt because salt causes hypertension The product must be low fat because fat is a cause obesity. Design Specification 3 A savoury product suitable for a teenage girl (aged 15-18) who has recently been diagnosed as a coeliac. The dish must not contain any wheat flour but could be based around potatoes, rice or gluten free pasta. The dish will have no more than 10g fat – the daily consumption of fat for females should not exceed 70g. The product will have a high NSP content, the daily intake should be 18g and the dish will provide between 4 & 6g. Level 5 Level 4 Level 1
Design Specification 3 1. A savoury product suitable for a teenage girl (aged 15-18) 2. who has recently been diagnosed as a coeliac. 3. The dish must not contain any wheat flour 4. but could be based around potatoes, rice or gluten free pasta. 5. The dish will have no more than 10g fat – the daily consumption of fat for females should not exceed 70g. 6. The product will have a high NSP content, the daily intake should be 18g and the dish will provide between 4 & 6g.
PLAN OF ACTION 1.A detailed and realistic plan of action to meet stated objectives. 2. A detailed plan of action to meet stated objectives. 3. A plan of action which meets some of the stated objectives. 4. A simple plan of action. 5. A limited plan of action. INVESTIGATION 1. Uses an extensive range of appropriate investigative techniques, including practical activities (where relevant). 2. Uses a wide range of appropriate investigative techniques, including practical activities (where relevant). 3. Uses a range of appropriate investigative techniques, including practical activities (where relevant). 4. Uses several investigative techniques, including practical activities (where relevant). 5. Uses basic investigative techniques, including practical activities (where relevant).
ANALYSIS 1.Perceptive analysis of gathered information. 2. Good analysis of gathered information. 3. Some analysis of gathered information. 4. Little analysis of gathered information. 5. Minimal analysis of gathered information. DESIGN SPECIFICATION 1. A comprehensive well reasoned and explained design specification taking into account the research information. 2. A well reasoned and explained design specification taking into account the research information. 3. A design specification with some explanation taking into account the research information. 4. A simple design specification with one or two points explained. 5. A limited design specification. (1) 7-8 (2) 5-6 (3) 3-4 (4) 2 (1) 0-1