Church Abuses Church in Worldly affairs Wars to Protect Papal States form Secular rulers Church also wanted to expand its own interests
Pope Julius II the Warrior Pope
Alexander VI the Borgia Pope
The Medici Popes Leo X Clement VII
Indulgences “ the lessening of time in purgatory” Usually granted for good deeds Sold for money Protests like Erasmus and John Wycliffe Jan Hus
Martin Luther Wittenberg, Germany Johann Tetzel offers indulgences for St. Peter in Rome 95 Theses
Firestorm Luther does not recant-calls for rejection of Rome Excommunicated by Pope Leo X Charles V labels him an outlaw
Protestants Luther’s writing spreads 1530 called Protestants Northern German princes see Luther as an excuse to throw off Pope and HRE
Teachings All Christians equal before God Bans indulgences, confession, pilgrimages and prayers to saints. Permits Clergy to marry and simplifies the services – no Latin
Peasants revolt *Luther does not support *Prefers social order & political obedience
Peace of Augsberg 1555 each Prince could decide religion Many in the North- Lutheran Many in the South- Catholic
John Calvin 1536 Predestination- God determined the salvation of people. Saints or Sinners
Calvinists 1541 Geneva set up a Theocracy ‘Chosen people’ set up a Christian Society
Anabaptists Explosion of Protestant Sects Some reject Baptism for infants Most Peaceful Baptists, Mennonites and Amish trace beliefs
English Henry VIII denounces Reformation However, needs a male heir Wants a divorce from Catherine of Aragon Henry and advisors seize the Church
Henry VIII
Catherine of Aragon
Anne Boleyn
Act of Supremacy Henry’s marriage annulled Marries Anne Boleyn Henry named Head of Church Some protest including Sir Thomas More
Wives Catherine of Aragon Anne Boleyn Jane Seymour Anne of Cleves Katherine Howard Katherine Parr
Turmoil Convents and monasteries closed Henry dies in 1547 after being married 6 times 9 year old Edward VI he dies Mary Tudor becomes Queen and tries to return England to Catholic Bloody Mary
Elizabethan Settlement 1558 Mary Dies 25 year old Elizabeth daughter of Henry and Anne Boleyn Compromise keeps unity in England
Catholic Reform Pope Paul III Council of Trent 1545 reaffirmed traditional Catholic beliefs Empowers the Inquisition to fight the Protestants
Jesuits Society of Jesus Ignatius- Order of strict training Spread the Catholic faith
Persecution Witch Hunts Jews moved into ghetto Jews migrate from Western Europe